>after coming in contact with someone who's tested
who was it? one of them anal swabbers?
>after coming in contact with someone who's tested
who was it? one of them anal swabbers?
>What's the count so far?
567,932 boobs
215,769 ballsacs
113,853 Karens
1 Greatest President Ever
M T Greene needs the Qshamen makeup memeage. she is not in office accidentally or because [they] do not want her there.
psyop extraordinaire
Greene is just another Mitch or Lindsay or any of them
She is NOT ourgirl
Prove me wrong
every worthy real patriot looses every seat
the fake conservatives anti-Trump sleepers all win.
But somehow this rogue terrororerer Q spouter wins. Is not killed or maimed or suicided.
it is the playbook
if it happened it was meant to happen, no accidents, no coincidence