And Planned Parenthood is treated as "federal" property.
If, in the year 2021, with a "fake president" installed, a fake "pandemic" launched against the entire world and "fake news" pummeling us with lies daily, you still think it a good idea to take a "COVID" vaccine you are a special kind of stupid and deserve the forced "wake up call" you will get. Under Trump, HCQ was promoted prior to any vaccine being available and a member of Trump's team said the shot was voluntary. I don't know about people in care facilities getting coerced, but as I understand it, those getting the shot initially were not compelled as it was approved under "emergency use authorization".
I think any bullshit you accept about this shot is most likely your choice.
As an "anti-vaxxer" I have been following the vaccine pogrom for a number of years. The pattern with the murderous "COVID" vaccines seems likes some of the previous go-rounds but on steroids this time. Take a "viral" illness which is, for most people, non-life threatening and hype it to hell. Once people are sufficiently scared introduce your real bioweapon, a vaccine which hijacks the recipients immune system and makes them a "cash cow" for the Pharm prior to their untimely death.
The linked piece references research suggesting that the injuries and deaths reported to VAERS may reflect as few as 1% of the actual totals.
I think we are seeing "COVID" vaccine deaths being reported as "COVID" deaths. This is similar to the picture with the annual flu shots given in nursing homes. Elderly folks begin dying of "flu" and other things right after their "flu" shots.
First mistake: Getting involved with the "medical cartel". Most all of mainstream medical/health care is, at this time, a false imprisonment situation. You cannot bring family in with you and you cannot leave without following "orders".
If people knew about how to prevent and treat UTIs they would not need hospitals and antibiotics.