>i'm not surprised that q may have ended
>but i am surprised by the extent to which conservatives have gotten shut down and how trump just disappeared
>i was not expecting things to get this quiet
Gee you've really been through alot. Sorry for your loss.
Pointed at the US flag right? I always wondered what good that would really do. Could be explained away as college shenanigans like blackface.
But whatever. I'm watching this movie until the very end and watching all the credits.
I may or may not watch it again. kek
I haven't read that dop in a long time but I don't remember anything about a US soldier involved.
Post em if you got em. Otherwise you know..
>pic was not related. I figured I didn't need to say it since it's so obvious but then sometimes I forget I'm on the QAnon board with a collective IQ of minus retarded.
You wrote so much text