now let us bury it and move on to something of worth. you can ’ t. preventing these enemies from reaching adulthood and their full potential of effect is of the importance. no matter where i travelled, no matter how small or rural the community i visited, the invaders were there. why were we allowing the invaders to conquer us? you are a bigot, racist, xenophobe, islamophobe, nazi, fascist!
victors write the history and the writers of history control the cultural climate of the present time. kidding, but australian is a european colony, particularly of british stock and thereby an extension of europe. the europe of the future is not one of concrete and steel, smog and wires but a place of forests, lakes, mountains and meadows. goodbye, god bless you all and i will see you in valhalla. due to the threat of ethnic replacement and our own horribly low birth rates, we do not have 150 years or even 50 years to achieve positions of power. if you survived, did you intend to go to trial?