Anonymous ID: ca0193 Jan. 30, 2021, 2:58 a.m. No.12765821   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

[Male Gregorian Chant in Latin]

Sanctusโ€ฆ {Holy}

Exaudi orationem meam {Hear My Prayer}

Ad te omnisโ€ฆ {To you all}

Gloria in excelsis Deo {Glory to God in the highest}

Gloria in excelsis Deo

Ad te omnis caro ?veniet? {to you all flesh will come}


[Female Gregorian chant starts]

Et In Terra Pax Hominibus {Peace on earth to all mankind}

Et In Terra Pax Hominibus

Et In Terra Pax Hominibus

Et In Terra Pax Hominibus


[Male Gregorian Chant]

Gloria in excelsis Deoโ€ฆ {Glory to God in the highest}

Gloria in excelsis Deoโ€ฆ


[Sara Mclachlan]

Give me release, witness me

I am outside, give me peace


Heaven holds a sense of wonder, and I wanted to believe

That I'd get caught up when the rage in me subsides


Passion chokes the flower, 'till she cries no more

Possessing all the beauty, hungry still for more


Heaven holds a sense of wonder, and I wanted to believe

That I'd get caught up when the rage in me subsides


In this white wave I am sinking, in this silence

In this white wave, in this silence, I believe


[Male Gregorian Chant]

Gloria in excelsis Deoโ€ฆ {Glory to God in the highest}

Gloria in excelsis Deoโ€ฆ


I can't help this longing comfort me

I can't hold it all in, if you won't let me


Heaven holds a sense of wonder, and I wanted to believe

That I'd get caught up when the rage in me subsides


In this white wave I am sinking, in this silence

In this white wave, In this silence, I believe


I have seen you in this white wave you are silent

You are breathing, in this white wave I am free