Anonymous ID: aab5ce May 2, 2018, 4:05 p.m. No.1277272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7304 >>7326


>Knowing what you know now

>re: Israel disclosure moments ago.


>Why is Sec of State there?

sucking Bibi's dick


They too want equilibrium in the ME

>Think logically.

>France & Germany came to the WH for the sole purpose of pressing POTUS to remain in the deal.

SO fucking what?

>5% shared.

>POTUS deCLAS Syria/Iran + U1 connection.

>Where does EU fit in?




I'll tell you this for free. we go to war with Iran, Trump is finished.


Israel…STOLE nuclear tech from U.S. (Vanunu)


ISRAEL has the ONLY un-inspected nuclear program in the world


ISRAEL was behind 9/11


What happened to BIBI's corruption trial eh?


Who the flipping fuck cares if Iran has nukes?

I for one would be least it would put a balance in the ME and bring Israel to heel.


FACT: US deposed the Shah of Iran an installed the Mullahs.


FACT: Iranian people have tried on multiple occasions to depose the Mullahs


FACT: The U.S. has continued to ignore and turn their heads each and every time the people of Iran try to get rid of the U.S. installed Mullahs.


FACT: NOW you use this shit YOU did to make a war? ANOTHER FUCKING WAR FOR ISRAEL?


Fuck you, fuck this shit, I am so sick and tired of your filthy fucking wars.


Iran has a right to nuclear weapons, Pakistan has them, India has them…and most of all ISRAEL fucking has them…only thing is ISRAEL stole them! ISRAEL refuses to be inspected, "cause special" ….


I don't think you've any idea the RAGE going to war for Israel will create. I might as well have voted for Hillary for all the good my vote against war did.


WHO CARES if Iran has nuclear weapons? I sure as fuck don't. Why not head off another war and support the people of Iran (you know, the ones you're planning on KILLING) in deposing the Mullahs that they HATE and that WE forced on them?


WHY are you here shilling for war for Israel? You got your bibletards onboard? Do not even think this is going to float. Midterms..fucked…because I for one will tell every single fucking person I know I made a mistake..war is war…Hillary/Trump…both fucking Israeli rubes.


WHO gives a flipping fuck about the EU?


Iran didn't do 9/11 ISRAEL did…(Saudi halped) and here you are sucking Bibi's filthy corrupt dick…and here we are…right where we were before the election.


IRAN has a right to nuclear weapons…if Israel has them Iran should have them..


here's a trick…get Israel to agree to denuclearize…