Anonymous ID: b2ac29 May 2, 2018, 3:21 p.m. No.1276782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6813

>>1276647 (last bread)

see >>1276642 (last bread)

Also, Q points us to open source knowledge which is literally everywhere. It's on anons to dig for it, no spoonfeeding here. Also, no leaking of CLASSIFIED info, that was a given early in the crumbs. Upholding the law while simultaneously breaking the law simply don't go hand in hand. Positivity, not Q's responsibility, all are self-responsible as far as that's concerned. This is NOT the place for seeking high morale.

With a brain, I have no problem understanding what Q drops, which is why I trust it. If you want more classified info, fill out some applications, go to some interviews, and qualify yourself to receive it. That's not Q's job either. Take some responsibility for yourself. It may stop black pills from falling from your fingers onto the board. Benefit humanity buy being the positivity that you seem seek outside of yourself.

Anonymous ID: b2ac29 May 2, 2018, 3:31 p.m. No.1276899   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(Q-uotes in bold)

>The only positive way forward is to identify those who are hell bent on our destruction. Removing them from power, or from existence, is going to be seen as negative by those who lack knowledge

But, you must SEE it in order to say that it's happening, correct? 60% dark ops, accept it, complain about it, try to get others to agree with you, whatever works for you, yet it wont change for you. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the show, dominoes are falling everyday because I see the pattern (40% visible), seek a pattern like an actual autist would.

Also many are thinking from one point of view, US only, this evil is embedded globally. US is the first domino.

>The more Q tiptoes around the truth, the less Q seems on our side.

At this point we are far enough along you can paint the picture without risk of jeopardizing the operation.

I can hint and point but cannot give too many highly classified data points.

>This isn't about morality, it's about truth and knowledge.

Morale is what I said, and Morale =/= Morality, look it up.

These people are stupid.

Re_read drops - you have more than you know.