sounds like Fringe.
ok not to slide too much. I see at least 3 lines of sin. First Cain, Caanan, Esau the descendants of each seem to be at issue to some degree, am i missing something?
yes correct, but i am just talking about the family lines, and serpent seed lineage. There are 3 that seem to be problematic 4 if you count the original fallen mating with humans.
ok about what about the curse of caanan and that of esau, 3 cursed lineages.
ok will look into jacobs troubles. I know the current "jews" are blinded no matter how angry i get with them i have to try to remind myself they are blind and deceived. This is the entire grafting to the vine idea, so i get some of it. But i am still curious about where the issues came forth in terms of history and over arching narrative structure so that Christ would need to be the sacrifice needed for all to obtain salvation.
another question, if everyone is capable of being saved why are some tribes missing in the book of revelation. I believe Dan and one other. You also have issues with the tribe of benjamin, if all were to seek redemption through christ why are tribes still listed in that book. would we not all be one tribe again at that point ?
ty, that at least addressed part of my question. So this would tie into the theory of multiple family bloodlines how, and would we have the reverse family bloodlines still also. Merovingian etc?
the masonic gnostic christ. The catholic relation ship of son and mother. Ok that helps some. So are the jews still in bad with DAD?