did you always hold these views? a a one-point-seven percentage point difference may mean something to a few, but a ingeniously worded expression or brilliantly crafted poster will convince the many. rampant urbanization and industrialization, ever expanding cities and shrinking forests, a complete removal of man from nature, with the obvious results. when non-europeans are considered europe, than there is no europe at all. diversity is not a strength. to drive a wedge between the nations of nato that are european and the turks that also make a part of the nato forces, thereby turning nato once more into a united european army and pushing the turkey once more back to the true position of a foreign, enemy force.
millions of people pouring across our borders, legally.invited by the state and corporate entities to replace the white people who have failed to reproduce, failed to create the cheap labour, new consumers and tax base that the corporations and states need to thrive. destabilize, then take control. when you see them; when you hear them; you will know them, as they are you, and yours. physical force is the ultimate form of support. these tumultuous times can be brought about through action. they don ’ t even believe in the race, they don ’ t even have the gall to say race exists.