Anonymous ID: 58b98a May 2, 2018, 5:16 p.m. No.1278078   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Attorney Joe diGenova may not officially be on President Donald Trump‘s legal team, but watching the action unfold from the stands, he’s certainly trying to heckle the referees.


Appearing on SiriusXM’s POTUS channel with Michael Smerconish, diGenova absolutely laced into special counsel Robert Mueller over the questions he’d reportedly like to ask the president — specifically, those questions relating to the firings of FBI Director James Comey and National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.


The questions are an intrusion into the president’s Article II powers under the Constitution, to fire any executive branch employee. To ask questions, as Mr. Mueller apparently proposes to do, about what the president was thinking when he fired Comey, or Flynn, or anybody else, is an outrageous, sophomoric, juvenile intrusion into the president’s unfettered power to fire anyone in the executive branch. It is a symptom of how ridiculous this appointment was by [deputy attorney general] Rod Rosenstein when he made the appointment with no evidence of a crime.


The attorney added, “These questions are unconstitutional, they are outrageous, and they are just the latest chapter in the most incredible, anti-presidential effort in the history of our country.”

