I find it more than fascinating that we are on a board for the purpose of disproving the "reality theory" yet anons such as yourself will shut down hard working anons because you don't like the ideas being presented in opposition to your desire to remain in bluepilllandia…
It is a great shame…
This board is dedicated to the GreatAwakening…
We are here to dig to uncover the truths of history hidden by the generations of deceivers before us….
In order to be successful in our mission/journey, why can't we understand that nothing we think we know or learned in the past is true/real until we for ourselves have confirmed the status of such information…
(trust but verify…2 or 3 truly independent sources…)
I would also pose that we can never believe anything submitted as fact from any press, government, or private lobby, etc…
We are on our own and must unite, not be divided because we hate to be kicked out of our comfort zones…
This is Anon Territory…there are no "Safe Spaces" here….
Everything is fair game because we must turn over every leaf, look under ever rock, beat all the bushes, and analyze every speck of dust to find the hidden truths…
We are cold case investigators and must not be afraid to destroy "Sacred Subjects"…
Nothing can be omitted from this adventure in Awakening from this deep sleep….
Everything is important to the slightest detail…That's where the devil resides…
Yes, this will create division in the board and increase the level of difficulty in our "research", however the benefits will be worth it in the Freedom of our world…
It's time we step out of the Dark Ages, and Unite within the the Real Renaissance