Anonymous ID: cdea0b May 2, 2018, 4:42 p.m. No.1277677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7699 >>7725 >>7788 >>7858 >>7864

Anons something occurred to me

We all know that POTUS makes so many statements and tweets that can mean more than one thing or something that is not the apparent topic of the comment

Here are a couple that stood out for me


A space force?

While addressing members of the West Point football team at the White House, Trump floated the idea of adding a "Space Force" BRANCH to the US military. Say what? said the Pentagon….



We also see many statements about collusion - but what is collusion?

Its a secret cooperation in order to deceive others.


Sounds like POTUS right?


NOW consider the yuge focus Q has placed on all things internet - starting with this board but inc. google FB twitter and on and on - also tons of cyber security and ES - secret comms etc etc


Not to mention all the mentions of MI especially NSA


And BOTH POTUS and Q have expressly talked about NK, the ME and Iran suggesting multiple layers of cabal systems that need to be decapitated. Especially with all the electronic warfare that is also making the news and featured on this board.


How might all this fit together?

What is the plan is not an OUTER space force but a CYBER space force? What if all the talk of space force was just another way to hide "secret cooperation in order to deceive others" In other collusion for THE PLAN.

One that POTUS and MI will set up to bring down all the systems - expose all the bad guys and re-establish as honest open platforms for all? To take the place of the CIA and all their evil systems - replace with the NSA MI controlled cyber space force


Collusion - deception for patriot purposes - all the while setting up the CYBERSPACE FORCE of the US military

Anonymous ID: cdea0b May 2, 2018, 4:45 p.m. No.1277732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7802 >>7810 >>7939

anona i am glad to report that the muh jew shills have now copy pasted my posts and edited them with their propaganda!

I consider that a complete victory over them

now they have to censor anon truth not just SPEW their garnage over and over

Here is the real version of one post they altered:

party on anons!


Q has said many time THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED

Q has said the Great Awakening is NOT about religion

Q has said the Great Awakening is NOT about race

Q has told us one important wat to ID the cabal dividers -LOOK FOR THE LOUDEST VOICES


Im not talking about anons that refuse to have their language dictated by PC - I dont care what words you use to describe a person with slurs or insults. Who cares? What matter is words that DIVIDE WHOLE CLASSES OF PEOPLE WITH CABAL LIES.


What are THE LOUDEST VOICES on this Board? Easy - the ones who post dozens of time in every bread with the same shit every time - day after day after day - the anti -israel and anti -jew dividers - cant miss them.


Who has committed to Israel, has trusted Jewish loved ones, friends, advisors, and family?


Who has cooperated closely with Israel and provided the best arms and technology we have?


Who moved the US embassy to the true capital of Israel - Jerusalem? Who cut funding for the UN in response to their condemnation of this move?


Who has repeatedly dreamed about the deal of a lifetime - peace in the middle east?


We all know the answer to these questions. In honor of OUR POTUS lets all pledge to COMPLETELY IGNORE OR FILTER ALL ANTI JEW ANTI ISREAL POSTS ON THIS BOARD. Starve them of any oxygen - give them NO attention or mind at all.

They are now desperate to claim the slightest bit of anon attention. One littlewhiff of attention triggers 30 or 40 shit posts. Ignoring them is the best way of showing our mutual contempt for them and our great respect for our POTUS. Bless all the anons - you are truly EPIC.

Anonymous ID: cdea0b May 2, 2018, 5:28 p.m. No.1278238   🗄️.is 🔗kun

today was epic for me anons

beat the living tar out of the muhjew skinhead muzzie stormfront crowd

reduced to copy and beg they are


they lost

totally comical posting proceeds

shooting blanks

dicks as limp as hitlers