Anon I hope you aren't assuming we have Rule of Law in place in our so-called Republic right now.
For you retards Rule of Law means the law is applied equally to your situation doesn't matter if you are rich, white, black, Catholic, Muslim, or in the elite itself the law is blind and treats you as equal with all others.
…she is innocent, yes, on paper.
Here's the thing though.
The Bolsheviks and God help any of you who still think this shit isn't a true blue (lol red) communist takeover…
…are using Q (rebranded QAnon) as Emanuel Goldstein a.k.a. Public Enemy Number One.
If they can get a Congresswoman pushed under the bus as being 'with QAnon the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol blah blah blah feed me shekels' then they can push ANYBODY under the bus.
Wake up pee pals.