If criminals took control of the government what would it look like?
If America became a dictatorship what would it look like?
If foreign powers controlled DC what would it look like?
Trump wants to use the trial to introduce evidence of a criminal conspiracy to remove him from power.
The "lawyers" don't want to introduce evidence of a criminal conspiracy to remove the president from office.
The "lawyers" were plants. Nothing in DC is worth saving. NOTHING.
The woman behind Biden appears to have a more pronounced jewslope to the forehead.
No laws apply to dictators.
nice digits
Put some meat on them bones, boy. Give us a paragraph or two of the article to chew on, don't just repeat the the title.
How does one execute a witch?
I do see a pattern to the links having the title in them. Hope someone will program the bot to post more than just the title and a screenshot of the title.
Imagine there are people so stupid they actually believe Biden.