Noon, east coast time and still no arrests. This 'winning' is getting to be too much for me. Four years of Qtradamus and Qtrains, none of which have come to reality and still we are under the control of the Deep State.
The Deep State would like to take this time to thank first of all the traitorous U.S. military and their lack of action in protecting the Republic. The Deep State appreciates your participation in their plan. Thanks to the numerous corrupt members of the Republican Party for turning away from your own honor. Again, the Deep State appreciates your lack of participation in ethics, honor and valor. A bit like the U.S. military I suppose.
Thanks to the former POTUS, Donald J. Trump and his total and complete lack of action in protecting the citizens of this country from the scam know as COVID-19. The numerous deaths caused by your inaction are greatly appreciated by the Deep State, Social Security and the funeral homes of America. Business has never been better for these funeral homes and they love how they are winning.
I have discovered the CCP make a better cup of tea than coffee so I have stocked up on Chinese tea and await the inevitable failure of America. On the bright side we will once again be able to buy inexpensive and cheap products from China. Now, that is winning!!