>>12779699 lb
So medicate yourself,
fatten yourself (for the slaughter),
feign Jesus worship,
and bid Godspeed to sinners so they don't repent.
Well done,
oh hypocrite.
Now that the nation is weakened,
ripe for the taking…..
oh wait…..
>>12779699 lb
So medicate yourself,
fatten yourself (for the slaughter),
feign Jesus worship,
and bid Godspeed to sinners so they don't repent.
Well done,
oh hypocrite.
Now that the nation is weakened,
ripe for the taking…..
oh wait…..
Never said anything about making decisions for them.
decisions have consequences.
Nice try,
Not done softening target?
Kicking the corpse?
>he plays all roles
God doesn't play.
Unjust decisions and actions have consequences.
That's why His Word is called a "Sword",
part of that armor about which so many speak.
It cuts asunder between flesh and bone,
and soul and of what spirit something is,
to reveal it when it lies.
Cut left,
cut right.
Blood and fat flows.
Decisions and actions have consequences.
And what about that,
in English,
did you not understand?
It either agrees with your statement,
or opposes it,
depending upon which side you are.
Consider it a sort of "multi-pass".
Columbus sailed the ocean blue,
for Spain,
for the Vatican,
in a race to own the global Water rights…..
God's own Son,
Jesus Christ said the Blind lead the blind.
Are you suggesting He was calling His Father a liar?
The same Son who healed the blind so they could see?
The same Son who called the Pharisees blind became they claimed they could see?