Hi Cedric, Chief of the Uncle Tom division; Question: Are you Hunter Biden's pimp or coke dealer? Do you help with the disbursment of all the illegal money? Do you speak Chinese for clls from "the boss"?
ps: Do you and Big Mike blow each other?
Hi Cedric, Chief of the Uncle Tom division; Question: Are you Hunter Biden's pimp or coke dealer? Do you help with the disbursment of all the illegal money? Do you speak Chinese for clls from "the boss"?
ps: Do you and Big Mike blow each other?
Mr Robinhood's Daddy is rich and evidently part of "the club". Mr. Robinhood will land on his feet one way or another (see JP Morgan for hints)
After the golden cow incident in the desert God should have told those heathens to f right off, not to mention they were practicing cannibalism on their way to the "promised land" -which God exactly demanded all the slaughtered animals and burnt offerings? I also want to know who exactly "us" are in Genesis 3.22
>(Divine Council
thanks anon, it's been bothering me. I appreciate those with a deep understanding of The Word. Always been a believer but it took all of this to get me to read the NT. I've started the OT a thousand times but only once in earnest. Leviticus is a head scratcher and then some for anon. I appreciate you anon. Truly. God bless you and thank you.
Do I get to chose the weapon? Oh yeah I'd hit it. I'd get 3 hots and a cot for it but yeah, I would most def hit that