Metalfag Anons;
For those who are new to physical precious metals, the embed is Mike Maloney (one of the more reputable experts) who goes into some detail regarding the new interest in the upcoming silver squeeze, if you're not a metalfag it's worth brushing up on. Also seems like as of today some of the major bullion dealers are shutting their doors and no longer selling any physical metals at least for the weekend, this is getting ahead of the new interest following the GME story. What are they preparing for?
"ALERT: Major Bullion Dealers Halt Silver Sales!" - Sound familiar?
"ALERT APMEX and SD Bullion freeze Ag sales!!!"
"First Robinhood, Now APMEX Hits Kill Switch, Not Selling YOU Silver"
Q has said that gold shall destroy FED and that a "structure change is coming", so with the highest levels of MILINT giving us direct confirmation of gold playing an integral role in a new monetary system it will directly reflect the price of silver as they are joined together at the hip. Silver is without a doubt the most manipulated asset / commodity on the planet, and if adjusted to inflation of it's highest ever value (around $50) it would translate to roughly $680 an ounce +/- 10%. To put it simply, Silver should be almost $700 an ounce today if it matched the rate of inflation since it's peak. That is how much it is manipulated. For "Boomers" who grew up in the 60's, they can recall buying an ounce of gold for around $35. Compare that to the price of gold today. Think of the price of silver today in that way, and what it will do in the future.
There is also a reason for the coordinated efforts here to drive Anons in the direction of SLV and the paper markets, which will ultimately dissolve. There are hundreds of times more paper silver contracts than which can be covered by physical metal, which means it has zero insurance. The COMEX and paper market is controlled by AI and algo's, you won't beat them at their game. If you don't hold it, you don't own it.
"Get some." - Jerry Miculek