Pi v Phi
Seems to me their plan will backfire when the people begin to see that the movies themselves are admissions of every cabal crime in history, and sermon after sermon explaining every lie from their cult, as well as 'esoteric' truths about God's reality. Movies are a double-edged sword coming back to bite them.
Job 1:21
Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will leave this life. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Well…given that it's all a performance and made up to disparage/smear "online chatrooms" (i.e., smear "Qanon"), all I can really say is…
We are the news now.
Is it just me, or have [their] performances become incredibly weak and transparent. How did I spend a lifetime falling for this crap? Their magick is failing utterly.
I would make your purchases in this order…
A copy of the Bible (I like the NIV)
The rest doesn't really matter, so just pray to see what God inspires you to do to make it through this life.
That seems possible actually.
I'm a bit surprised that those three guys are still carrying on as though nothing has changed.