Gotta get fucked up to get a bigger budget next year. Churn and burn.
Installing central banks and taxpayer funding infrastructure projects (money-laundering).
So they unrigged it for him to win in 2016 and now they rigged it again for him to lose in 2020. Pretty wishy-washy for global conspiracy. It’s part of the plan to entrap them all. He had to get clear of the whitehouse first so he wasn’t labeled a Tyrant of Military Dictator. It’s on now for really yo. Buy SLV for 20% return—ride the wave dudes.
School age kids are killing themselves from school lockdowns and Covid-world bullshit. The plan could have been better. Allowing Covid-world fake flu bullshit was pretty bunk in my opinion. SpecOps should have just greased them all, from bottom to top.
No, buy SLV. Too many in to stop now. Stop trying to fuck Anons and Redditors.