Muh "do you know that we see all" (571)
This was fake Q brah. All this "no such agency" shit - this was all "TMI Q". The difference is obvious. Very obvious once you start seeing it.
Real Q is good stuff - trust yourself, trust potus - none of this IMPLIED ILLEGAL USE OF DATA shit. None of these stupid posts like 50 lines long of "FREEDDOM-check_v1". That does actually feel like the micro group (took over the twatter wikileaks acct on the day assange disappeared)
All the shit that makes Q look like a bad actor, someone threatening to use secret data in ILLEGAL WAYS - this was ALL fake Q.
muh "no such agency accidentally releases it all", muh "TRUST SESSIONS", muh "trust wray", all that dumb stuff was in the drops that Q told us were comp'd.
1835: !A6yxsPKia. 8/10/18: "AB[C] took control. Tripcode compromised. No. 131 Last."