The world is ready
Those who are further along will help those who are struggling (the Billy Dueys). We are all one.
This is a good interview discussing disclosure
The world is ready
Those who are further along will help those who are struggling (the Billy Dueys). We are all one.
This is a good interview discussing disclosure
I agree with you. Bill Deagle explains this brilliantly
We are powerful beings who have been tricked by dark forces
It’s time humanity wakes up
It’s time we join our friends in the cosmos.
It’s time humanity knows the truth.
This wasn’t about Q or DJT or Flynn or politics…..this was about waking the human population from the illusion they have been force-fed for thousands of years. It’s about you. You need to raise awareness/consciousness to unlock our freedom. Prove you can handle the truth, humanity. Start talking about these concepts with friends and family
Who you are
Why are you here
Who are we here with
Who is Biden’s president?
That’s really all you got out of that?