I am a fan of the game Reversi, anon.
What you are seeing is how the board changes as the game grows and flows.
The lefties have never truly been the enemy. They were angry and upset - often about many of the same things, but were set upon the wrong targets by the machinations of cultural subversion.
Likewise, many on the cultural right were deceived into running defense and interference for something which had the mere appearance of a business.
In this specific case, the lefties are not truly anti-capitalist. Nor are a cronyist. Most peoplr inherently believe in the idea of honest days work for honest days pay - of the right for people to own the fruits of their labors.
When there are people who 'make' money by playing sly and underhanded games - people generally detest it. When there is a group who strips the good things from business, work, etc - particularly for the cause of enriching themselves - people naturally detest this.
It simply took time to do two very important things.
First was demonstrate to the right that the corporate structures they were defending against lefty attacks were not, in the slightest, supersized mom and pop businesses and their status is closer to that of usurping extralegal authorities than any business people on the right have in mind when mounting a defense.
Second is that the lefties have to be shown that the right wants people to succeed, and that the corporations run their lefty movements specifically to entrap them.
Now, the machine is becoming naked and exposed for all to see, and with that, they will naturally begin to rally against it. Perhaps they have not fully processed everything leading up to that point - but the response doesn't have to.
You have lefties now going full silver and gold bugs as they realize the power it has to bring down the wallstreet criminals and restore power to the people - a posotion long held by 'right wing radicals.' There is blood in the water and both the right and the left have been hunting stupid/abusive hedge fund decisions all across the market and exploting exposed risks where they find them.
It's the sort of activism we usually see from the left (complete with a form of its savagery) but played with the insight and expertise of the right.