Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Jan. 31, 2021, 11:37 p.m. No.12787322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7328

>>12786967 (pb)

>But if Biden is turning over all Trump's EO's

Why do you believe Biden has overturned any of Trump's EOs?

warning any answer you give is going to be LOLOLOL

go on, tell the class why you believe Biden has withdrawn any of Trump's EOs?


KEK that bald dude 10/10 he's the walking by the window troll.

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Jan. 31, 2021, 11:49 p.m. No.12787393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7580

>>12787047 (pb)

>Very low iq post.

Nah, just a NPC audience who cannot read and won't recognize anything unless it's pointed out to them. not even /s


big coat, and been around POTUS enough to pull off a 3 second POTUS walk… I swear this "show" has been one endless KEK. GO back and play gaga singing with sound at .05….OMG she was barely holding it together.


What is even funnier is I think reporters in the fake OO noticed something was wrong and they rushed them all out. I mean–so much was wrong with the first EO signing oval office that I stupidly posted my '''LOL look" marked up pic and they had fixed it within 12 hours. Sending in the well poisoners. They even edited the WH video to delete walking man and "zoom in closer"…my favorite edit was my pointing out how ironic it was having a bust of Commie Chavez sniffing freedom aka the flag…I marked up an OFFICIAL still from the official video rather than take my own still..the next day they tried to fix everything I pointed out, including moving Chavez out of sniff zone but I had a few holdbacks…the diet coke button cope was so funny I may never recover. They fixed and fixed and kept fucking it up.


Does anyone have the "anderson sent us" MP4 where it looks like POTUS sitting in the audience and there are envelopes? I used WP stream starting at Beyonce warbling and I swear I slomo'd that fucker laboriously frame by frame and I did not see Bernie ..or any envelopes. I know there was 15+ cameras shooting "pool" footage and each outlet created their own version..halp.

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Jan. 31, 2021, 11:54 p.m. No.12787420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7455


Semetic Jews do NOT hate POTUS. Orthodox Semetic Jews love Trump. It's the identity thieving fake Khazarian jews that hate Trump. Haven't you figured that out yet?


They scream anti semitism …well Khazar space niggers, SEMITES are Levantians, you know, Palestinians? Khazars are Semites the way Rachel Donzel and TalcomX are white.


You will never ever beat the by continuing to call them jews.

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Jan. 31, 2021, 11:59 p.m. No.12787438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7448


>looks like hellspawn to me

Meds…take them..let me guess you thought that still from this webm was real.


You have just discredited your shizo self.


REMEMBER the first rule of the Internet…if it exists, there is porn of it.


kek you are >9000 on the stupid scale, thanks for playing

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 12:04 a.m. No.12787468   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The "standing with Fred" pic is shopped with the "sitting with John" head to discredit Trump/Tesla :)


That was probably originally Fred and John Trump.

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 12:12 a.m. No.12787515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7525 >>7546


Why all the well poisoners? The gov. just removed was the Kyi….the butthurt government that wasn't supposed to lose the election is the one soros is pictured with.


Holy shit they're poisoning the damn well. GET fucking smart people (you fucking overlords can stop laughing at my fruitless attempt to beat fake news…jaysus the swerve is not even a clever swerve.




>first fair elections in Burma since CIA-backed opium harvesting Commies took over.

>EVIL commie dictator LOOSES the election, gets major butthurt, he wasn't supposed to LOSE.

>calls in military to claim reeee they cheated


have you people learned fucking NOTHING?


Russia Russia Russia 2016 v.2.0

Commie dictator sucks Chink dick…and Kahzar dick as well.


WUMOA hit the boards running tyrna convince you that Kyi, who has spent much of her life in house arrest and is right back in jail after winning an election she wasn't supposed to win……is evil….they're flipping the script on you AGAIN. Read notables…fuckin A the military REMOVED the good guy.


This is like 2016 only with the military arresting Trump.


You guys are making total idiots of yourselves.

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 12:22 a.m. No.12787564   🗄️.is 🔗kun


LOL gullible how, are you going to claim the Khazars are anything BUT White Europeans who are evil fucking Archon in human Archeloid form? DNA says they're not anywhere near semites. HONEST DNA proves INTO Africa….I'd steer you to a DNA expert's channel but the Hotep's already hate it because it proves where they came from. Khazars gonna freak the fuck out.


KHAZAR own all the DNA companies for a reason.


Explain to me in away I can understand, why do Khazars work overtime to stamp out anything that tells the TRUTH about Hitler?


This vid is literally baby food for the sleepy, MILD compared to what is exposed in Europa the Last Battle….so why do they make sure it gets deleted anywhere it's posted. I started watching it on bitchute….it POOFED while I was watching it.


Dear Khazarian Fake Jew Space Nigger Parasites…following your trail from Sea Peoples to now is quite eye opening.


Remember when the Ancients finally got pissed enough to fight back, they ended the Ori? That time is now.


Any khazar reading here, wake the fuck up.


Goa'ould+Wraith=Jaffa/slaves. Truth in fiction.


so why is FAMOUS primary document historian David Irving's work on Hitler banned everywhere? what's so dangerous about the truth?


Streisand Effect, the more you ban the more we know it's true. it's OK, report the archived link….it will be reuploaded and reshared before you can say Mazel Tov.

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 12:30 a.m. No.12787594   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bro, I don't quite know what to do with all the "fake woke" people here.


FACT: Burma elections were fair (they stopped the CHINK software from auto electing the Commie Dictator again.)


HILLARY GO REEEEE what went wrong

Commie dictator go REEE call in the military


the XI dick sucking commie wumau hit the Internet running…they FLIPPED THE SCRIPT…


"no no commie xi dick sucking dictator won the election and the military was called in to remove illegally elected Kyi, a woman who has spent her life fighting commies…."


THIS is what 2016 WOULD have looked like when Trump beat Hillary….


This was a fucking TRAP for commie XI, SOROS, et all. read all the notables…PLEASE.


They are flipping the script now tryna claim Kyi is the commie….and the commie dictator that lost the election fair and square is butthurt.


Look at all the Burmese people HAPPY Kyi won…look at sad faces when once again, commie-backed dictator sends in the military to "keep order". Look at the Sorros-written in Engrish presser from the worries, only for a year…blah blah blah.



even after 5 years you people still can't figure it out.



Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 12:36 a.m. No.12787622   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Who dat with Jill? KEK our bald man?


I 10/10 would not fucking put it past POTUS to be there himself making sure they all behave…but I'm not gonna say it is…clearly that's not bald trolling walking Trump sitting there but he has body doubles.


I would literally DIE if we had a way to prove that was Trump and not a trolling double with 4 secret service guarding him. I would not put it past him at all, however I think he had better things to do that day than sit there and watch the performance.


Odd how media didn't

"qanon conpsiracy that Trump attended inauguration…blah blah, that was…insert name…kek..crickets"


trolling is fun

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 12:54 a.m. No.12787700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7732


Ah so happy smiling pics=BFFs? try again Haime, you fuckers just walked into another trap.


They locked her ass up again when she wouldn't go along with the Khazarian replacement policy re MUZZIES.


SEEETHE losers.


Flipping the scriptonly works on

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 1:01 a.m. No.12787730   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>Woke af…unlike the NPCs on both sides….fake work.


>Look at all the fake woke that bitched for 5 years over fake news, kvetching over each MSM article and broadcast.


board fuckery again..tryna stop the NPCs from figuring out Burma=2016

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 1:16 a.m. No.12787784   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You're a virgin incel right? Even with the amazing ability of the vagina to stretch,…there's a limit to everything. About the only thing that dick is good for is learning how to use it so that "perfect g spot curve" hits the G spot…try ramming that thing all the way in….and you WILL get screamed at.


t. virgin thinks vagina reaches to throat.

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 1:20 a.m. No.12787800   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>the shills have thrown all logic out the window in their panic

They;re not sending their best.


BUY HODL GME…spend 40-50 bucks on some silver eagles…gonna be keepsakes one day anyway. Every round taken out of the stores means one more round they don't have.


I don't get the either-or shit…but Chink and JewJitsjus are not very intelligent. Psychopathic / sociopathic evil fucks who would turn in their own mothers for shekles…but not very smart. Just willing to be more evil.

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 1:27 a.m. No.12787818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7825 >>7830 >>7832


Just use the word PAPER…or imaginary silver…they have MORE promises to PAY silver than they do physical. What would be best is if everyone holding paper silver turned it in for DELIVERY. JP Morgan would go tits up overnight if everyone who held their paper said…nah. I'm calling in my note…pay the fuck up.


hint hint paper owners


you know what to do….this time there's not going to be anything left to bail them out with. Not even the FedMoneyPrinting machine can BRRRR that fast.


tl;dr if you hold paper silver, turn it in and ask for delivery of PHYSICAL.

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 1:29 a.m. No.12787827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7870


Just use the word PAPER…or imaginary silver…they have MORE promises to PAY silver than they do physical. What would be best is if everyone holding paper silver turned it in for DELIVERY. JP Morgan would go tits up overnight if everyone who held their paper said…nah. I'm calling in my note…pay the fuck up.


hint hint paper owners


you know what to do….this time there's not going to be anything left to bail them out with. Not even the FedMoneyPrinting machine can BRRRR that fast.


tl;dr if you hold paper silver, turn it in and ask for delivery of PHYSICAL.


BTW there are based billionaires / millionaires holding paper…who intend to do just that.

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 1:42 a.m. No.12787856   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good…a nice slow rise..until we're finished with GME. Hell hath no fury like Americans left to rot in poverty while "too big to fail" got bailed out.


EVERYONE can buy a silver round, even if just as an EPIC keepsake of the year we decided we weren't gonna take it anymore. Buy one for each grandkid…gift epic memory for epic accomplishments. Treasure….this year always!


Granpa what did you do in the revolution?


I held GME with diamond hands and bought this silver coin as a memento of the year the entire world told the jewjitjus to BTF and ushered in the Dollacaust.

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 1:48 a.m. No.12787871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7905



Silent Hill

Shattered Union….

Prey (Goa'ould +Wraith=slave Jaffa..archon / Arquloid parasite space nigger JewJitjus they harvest our energy and thrive on our worship…or else)

(shattered union trailer…this would have happened if Hillary had won…this would have happened if it were NOT for Q….wake up..they tried like HELL to fire us up enough to start something….all so they could RED DAWN our asses….)

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 1:54 a.m. No.12787893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7899


>If this happens…Oh nellie!!

OH it's gonna happen bro..timing is everything. First wound them with GME…then while they're begging for bailouts (want to bet FedPrinter doesn't go BRRR this time?) and tryna regroup the silver calls will start flooding in They'll reee but have to pay, they'll bitch and moan on how stupid people are…but they'll HAVE to find enough physical to cover the paper…and the price of silver gonna FLASH…that's when you sell 1 or 2 rounds to make bank…and fucking HODL the rest until they're dead.


Why do you think there's so much reee and misinformation posting re silver? KEK..I drank my fedpills straight from the tiddi of Ron Paul YEARS ago. And I know exactly what is gonna happen.


Their only move left is to kaboom something and try to start a war….they WILL collapse.


Pro tip..pain in ass, but smart people will be moving OUT of banks into credit unions—wikiwiki!

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 1:57 a.m. No.12787901   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>toxic emissions

What is assraping Africa for Cobal for 500 Alex…or WTF happens to all that toxic nickel when all the batteries die for good?


Educate yourself. Electric HELPS China.


They keep deleting this one, WATCH. This is 100% required viewing for anyone who is going to post muh climate muh electric. If you don't watch this movie …nothing you say ever again has any value.


tl;dr stop yapping about shit you know nothing about.

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 2:02 a.m. No.12787923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7925


pick up a few 1oz silver eagles while they're cheap enough…and later, when you're older you can hand them out to the grandkiddies like my ggrampa gifted me. HE knew the value of metals…where he came from having metals literally saved them from the (((BOLSHEVIKS))).


Hell if we win and the price of physical silver starts reflecting its real value, hell might make a great down payment on something:)


OR, even better, get together with TRUSTED fam go in together for a bulk buy for bulk discount and divy it up when delivered.

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 2:09 a.m. No.12787944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7968


You know nothing about humans then. "6 days shalt thou labor…" Humans need productive work they need competition and opportunity to win. Everyone gets a trophy is what has murdered American exceptionalism.


Humanity has ALWAYS run on exchange of tangible goods for agreed upon objects of value..whether silver, obsidian, or shells.


Grow the fuck up.

Anonymous ID: 2b2926 Feb. 1, 2021, 2:14 a.m. No.12787959   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think people get WAY too focused on "satan" which is a swerve. Yeah they're evil bloodsucking fuckers….but once you're finally told (teeny bit by teeny bit) what they've been hiding behind all that "look here" stuff…a LOT of NPC brains are going to explode.


That pottery piece was found in lake…north america :)