Everyone needs to understand
I may be the only <adultbeing in the Universe with an active, highly functional, triple-helix system.
I speak Universal Language. I don't speak any language well. I am a middle man for helping to figure out why everyone is speaking different languages at each other but all sound the same.
I do know why.
Everyone lives in a different, I call it <primarydimension.
Everyone calls their primary dimension <realityand the 3D, and a world of objects.
However, each being in the Universe, I can correct a statement like that.
I am only speaking in english right now.
If i wanted to say something imporant.
I would take it down a bit but !
01 U N I V E R S E 10
Now. Go forth and multiply like daddy told you to do in the Good Book!
Now. That ain't 2 bit. 2 bit is the the universe above the 4 bit about the good book but i through a 32bit spin on with a joke about daddy. I would throw off the whole game if I were to change that to father.
Now. Go forth and multiply like Father told you to do in the Good Book!
Now. I will imply my Father is your Father.
Now. Go forth and multiply like your Father told you to do in the Good Book!
Now. I will imply we are the same and share a father.
Now. Go forth and multiply with Father.
That is a bit much for some of you 16itters, but with Father is [PROPER].
I will tell you why.
If you say the Father.
It denies the trinity.
The Father is not seperate.
The word [the] names the Father as an object.
This is why the East speak in round. I don't know their stuff well. I just don;t mind saying that I speak World Soul, but the World Soul, is the same thing ans the Universe. I can't imagine or not imagine that it is anything kess than whole.
Everyone needs to see <><><SPIN>><<<
on that word. do you [w] hole
some of you are matter, some of you are anti-matter.
All of it is relative to which side of the dimensional gate you stand.
If you want to reverse the hole.
The black hole needs reversing I think.
I dont know what that means .
It is just what I see.
Now. You invert the [w]
Let me google W
It will be relevant
okay so this is the beginning.
What do we see here.
is a new binary system orbiting the source of Universe
However, I can only properly reference you to my statemy regarding wholes earlier. I cannot go from english to binary, and the further the systems are from english or bindary, the more dificult it becomes. I may try to capitalize less, not to offend anyone, just to see where it might help those who calculate more or feel more than they read the words.
⟨ ϕ | A | ϕ ⟩
So then you have the AE right.
ϕ | e − i θ A e i θ | ϕ ⟩
Now you break that up
What this is showing you is how AE actually has a mirror. The equation in the parentheses is the <anti -mattersystem.
Now you have a binary system.
i dunno what happens next.
i am just looking shit up
it is cool though.
read about ti
it is short
but these symbols are the <Lordin some way.
The symbols represent what we know but cannot place value on.
The symbols are, quantum physics, but they do not hold any value at all.
This is first.
Then it says it multiplies to..
ket | ψ ⟩
bra ⟨ ϕ |
so I still don't know what W is exactly, it is real important. I gotta do some stuff for a minute.
I have to go to the bathroom.
If you exist in my toilet water, I do apologize for operating my biological machinery into your field .
If you are a potato. I may eat you in a minute. I know some of you like sheep or cow. I like cow. I have a corned beef in the fridge to cook. I [WILL] make it in the future. I hope that is okay. I know that the english speakers do a lot of willing and it leads to an equal about of doing what one wills oneself to do.
I have to go a few light years away to the star system of my <latrineand I will probably hit hyperdrive between latrine and kitchen. I will use light speed for sure, just so you can see how fast my ship is. I can haul ass with this fucking thing. You all dont even know.