Anonymous ID: 84a55e Feb. 1, 2021, 12:10 a.m. No.12787506   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7522


Winter solstice is in december, and is the darkest time of year ranting fake BibleFag. It's also debatable if it's the coldest, as it does happen to be late summer south of the equator.

The pain of enduring it is subjective, but if it doesn't end with sports books and march madness bracketting this year, ima be pissed.

Anonymous ID: 84a55e Feb. 1, 2021, 12:25 a.m. No.12787574   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>"Thinking mirror" (ugh, disgusting Q Tard boomer speak) doesn't mean opposite. It means mirrored . Did you take your dementia medicine?

Do you read English?

I defined it to mean that because I can. You sure as fuck can't stop me.

As well your ability to spot ironic satire puts you on the far right side of the IQ bell curve.

Anonymous ID: 84a55e Feb. 1, 2021, 12:37 a.m. No.12787628   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7674


Fuck off with Muh Silber.

This is almost certainly glow nigger nonsence.

Silver is not a concern, The Morgue can close out any contract for Fiat FRN's, it's in the fucking futures contract for fuck sakes. Silver investing is a very niche market, and there's nothing levered on what little phys is in Comex vaults, The Morgues vaults, or City of London vaults.

Been arguing this all fucking day. Fortunately, the plebbit community is smelling the glow nigger in this push and is pushing back.

So is the hedge and half/pol.

With short GME contracts expiring through out Feb and March it is not over.

But please go buy so phys at 15% premiums and some $SLV. I love watching the never ending parade of silver longs get kneecapped by The Morgue, despite history and warnings aplenty.

Anonymous ID: 84a55e Feb. 1, 2021, 12:43 a.m. No.12787655   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7667


>When companies can no longer obtain physical silver to keep producing their products…

They don't buy silver on the COMEX retard, that's investment grade silver. They buy industrial grade. They don't need .999 fine silver for fucks sake. Industrial purchases are done through private contract with silver producers and miners. And those delivery contracts conttain some serious as breach penalties for failure.

GTFO with this ignorant shit.

Anonymous ID: 84a55e Feb. 1, 2021, 12:52 a.m. No.12787688   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7692 >>7696 >>7701


>I find that highly unlikely.. I imagine the physical source of silver is actually contracted through a limited amount of suppliers…

Well la dee fucking da

I find it unlikely that your imagination is a match to a 10th of my knowledge of these fucking markets. Go educate yourself you arrogant ass widget, I spent decades researching and writing about precious metals markets, and I will neither prove it to you or give away for free the information I amassed over the years. It's all readily available to dig. It aint hidden.

Anonymous ID: 84a55e Feb. 1, 2021, 12:55 a.m. No.12787704   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>retards keep talking about silver because they don't want you thinking about BUYING and HOLDING $GME. there's a reason the media is telling everyone the short squeeze already happened.


Go read the silver post of the reddit site.

It feels glow nigger after the first fucking sentence.

Anonymous ID: 84a55e Feb. 1, 2021, 12:58 a.m. No.12787712   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Clearly you studied glib criticism and empty rhetoric over the years.

I challenge you to find where I wrote that, or make a cogent argument using MY WORDS FROM MY POSTS where such a conclusion can be logically derived from them.


Anonymous ID: 84a55e Feb. 1, 2021, 1:03 a.m. No.12787737   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7762


>so no sauce… but hey you said it so it must be true… true mark of a researcher and scholar…


I already said I'm not doing your work for you. Dig it yourself.

In fact it was the idiot who claimed with no sauce that comex supplied industrial silver. So no sauce no sauce in return.

Snag is I know I'm not guessing cuz I make actual money off these markets.

You, I'm certain, not so much.

Anonymous ID: 84a55e Feb. 1, 2021, 1:35 a.m. No.12787843   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>The trick is that you have to be able to buy at least a thousand ounces at a time.


No, it's a futures contract. You buy a 1000 ounces for what you think (within the pervue of the regulations)the price will be when the contract expires. If you pay 15K for an October expiration, and you it actuall closes at 20K you owe 5k at expiry. If drops below your price You basically get your overage back. This is beyond simplified.

Doing this is stupid so you hedge, and range price or range expiry or both, with options to cancel, accelerate, liquidate etc, for a fee, so as not to get caught in some kind of fucking comodity market storm that breaks the price smoothing function of the CBOT, for fucks sake.

So all those idiots talking the silver short, they have no idea that the CBOT is not the same as the stock exchange. Similar terms but different things. So if some mystical short squeeze (how does one short squeeze the commodities market since the expected future price gets recalculated daily and those too far out of the money need to cover-watch the pit scene in Trading Places). Why can't the pressure build like in stonks? Because the purpose of the commodities futures market is to smooth future commodity prices against existing prices and demand. Read Peter Navarro "When it rains in Brazil buy Starbucks". Is it perfect, fuck no, but it does work a fuckton better than having nothing, and most markets are just too big to corner.

What about Precious Metals. Well here it gets dicey particularly with Gold (money) and Dr. Copper, as those two are economic and monetary bell weathers that effect futures pricing in all markets, not just commodities. So the PTB like to have the inside edge on them to make sure they're positioned before info gets out. And they will treat them as Trusts they feel they have a right to control. (See GATA-Gold Anti Trust Action-for great info on the bullion banks and gold. You will find silver info there as well–hint)Since the management of those comodities has been acceptible for decades, the manipulations are ignored. However when Nixon closed the gold window, it was a shit show for ten years. Do note however that The Morgue is MUCH larger now than then, so even the chaos of the 70's didn't break The Morgue.

Thats enough on this from me. Too sick of this silver short shit show for now.

Anonymous ID: 84a55e Feb. 1, 2021, 2:20 a.m. No.12787978   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Platinum +50.00


Gold up $15 .73%


Just a reminder, on Sept 11, 2008, the day efore Lehman collapsed, gold closed at 751.

Six days later it was up 105.8, 14%, and two of those days were over the weekend.

At the same time platinum was collapsing, because platinum is primarily an industrial metal.

Meanwhile, silver did absolutely zippo of significance. FYI

Anonymous ID: 84a55e Feb. 1, 2021, 2:31 a.m. No.12788025   🗄️.is đź”—kun


This stinks of color revolution.

Also, lets be careful bandying about the term genocide. The "poor muslim minority community" was aggressively bringing in more of their religion of peace bretheren (Suspect India or Paki funding, maybe both) and setting up "enclaves" under sharia, and killing and harrasing and beating tresspassers. Sound like Europe? Sound like Minnesotta?

So Burma pushed back and drove them the fuck back where they came from. An entirely reasonable thing to do. Esp. considering they had been let in as "refugees" even though they weren't.

So rather than the gov pretending no problems existed and punishing truth tellers, they said fuck it, you gotta go.

This, to the Cabal is racism and genocide.

Of course the sharia enclaves weren't those things.