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In a spiritual context Day of Days may refer to Christ and God:
God is referred to as the Ancient of Days.
Christ is referred to as the consciousness of daylight.
Wow, thanks.
I know this intuitively, the reference is like this:
The sun always shine as in days and never ceases to exist or stop shining.
But Christ consciousness has to dawn upon man.
Dawn comes after the height of darkness.
What is a trey?
Was John the baptist head not served on a tray?
What Queen would actually want a head on a silver platter for her birthday?
Unless the head be of Understanding.
What is Wisdom, but understanding sacrifice when it comes and when it doesn't.
My tray on.
Make straight and clear the path of the Lordโฆ
Do this once that prophecy might be fulfilled.
Days of Elijah:
But I tell you Elijah has come already and they did what they wanted to him, such as with the son of man.
Elijah, the spirit of self sacrifice, none other than the Lord Jesus Christ himself in the spirit of things.
First Elijah must come and restore all things, Revelations.
Eli, Eli, Elias, Elias.
A voice in the desert crying, prepare the way of the Lord.
John made way and a clear path.
One baptizes with water the other with fire.
Watch the water, if you recognize Elijah when he comes and are merciful then the one who baptizes with fire will be made known.