Your skies and underground are brimming with higher dimensional beings. I tell you this because you are not going to hear it in your news media, that is still propaganda for the dark in many ways. I tell you this so that you can feel the support that is quite literally all around you, just a dimension or two up. Also it is imperative that you continue to keep holding the higher frequencies of light as it is assisting us with our missions to serve you further, as well as greatly enhancing the speed of your ascension. You should know, ground team, how breathtakingly beautiful you are to us. Your stamina and tenacity is tip-top and we salute you. You are not alone! We are here side you, serving and soon we shall meet. Soon, in fact, your world will change.
No one incarnates simply to live the high life after somehow attaining the world’s concepts of success. Everyone comes to earth to experience and learn, but the density of three dimensional energy causes them to forget this once they are no longer in alignment with the higher frequencies they came from. This is why young children often remember past lives and where they are from until the denser energies of earth become dominant.
With the help of Guides, every individual creates a plan for themselves before incarnating, a plan that includes having experiences that they feel are necessary for further spiritual growth. Some plans and many of today’s plans are to assist with earth’s awakening. Know that a soul plan never includes lessons that the person is not yet spiritually prepared for. A soul contract can be added to or changed at any time.
Some may choose to experience a “perfect” human life in order to learn that material success does not fill the empty spot within them that is always seeking for “something”. Many choose lessons that can only be learned through experiences of poverty, war, disease, or struggle but most of you have completed these dense types of experiences because you are no longer creating them.
There is no such thing as death. That which is termed death simply means leaving earth in order to return to one’s real home where the soul can have a well deserved rest, re-evaluate lessons learned, reunite with friends and family, and work with guides regarding further lessons and plans.
Trust your Higher Self to know what you need and when you need it. Trust your intuition in the realization that it is the voice of your soul expressing ITself. Trust that you are here at this time for reasons other than just to experience three dimensional rewards, success, fun, or material comfort. Trust that a Divine Plan cannot fail.
These are powerful times indeed that you are experiencing. Embrace them for they are the reason you chose to be here lighting the path for others.
IT is you, IT is what you are made of, IT is… I AM
We are the Arcturian Group.
If you are an ancient mountain, your sense of time is very different; a human lifetime is very short, as short as a single breath. Imagine you are that mountain. You feel the wide-open sky above you and you take in the life around you: the birds, animals, grasses, trees, and the life radiating energy of flowers. You feel how you appreciate life on Earth. You see that there is love in your heart for the Earth and for all that lives here. You sink all the way to the base of that mountain, and you feel how old you are. You feel how immensely much has come and gone, and still you are standing strong. You have internalized countless experiences, and you feel the deep level of being that is located within you.
For a moment, you connect with the entirety of the Earth. You feel her strength and her loving, nurturing awareness. While you are that mountain, your awareness flows over and into the Earth. There is no real boundary between you and her. You relax and you know that you are part of the whole, even though your human mind cannot contain “how” and “what”. You are intensely connected with everything.
Now imagine that from this deep, grounded consciousness you meet yourself as a human being. You are still that mountain, that rock, that load-bearing strength. You see yourself as you currently are, arriving as a human being. That human sits down on you, the rock, the mountain. Now feel the energy of yourself as a human being. Feel how busy and fast your energy is in comparison with the energy of the mountain. How do you, the human, feel as you meet this quiet Earth consciousness? Do you feel doubt or fear in yourself? Or perhaps anger or sadness? Radiate warmth from the mountain into yourself, and let it be a grounding, a foundation. That is what you need in order to feel at home on Earth: to know that you are connected to the whole and that this whole supports you.
Imagine that you as a human are stretched out, lying on your back on that solid rock and you feel supported. You realize that there is really nothing to worry about. This sounds very crazy to the human mind, but it is really so that there are major forces in and around you that you cannot control with your mind. Know that these forces are beneficent. Even though they bring you into areas of experience that are very intense and sometimes painful, still the forces of the Earth and the Sun and Cosmos that come together in you are, by their nature, good, beneficial, and focused on growth.
Now let go of the human world completely, all those social ideals and standards, and feel yourself back home in nature. Feel included in the flow of life that is present in nature. Let energy drain away from your head and connect with Mother Earth from your abdomen. Imagine that Mother Earth is now present in your abdomen; she is now visible to you as a woman, as a female form. Just look at her face, look into her eyes, and ask her to convey a message to you, short and powerful. Receive what she wants to say, in words, or in an image, or as a feeling, and let it work into you.
You are here on Earth to realize your Self, your soul. Nothing you are doing is wrong; every experience is part of your path. Dive in deeper into yourself and do not be afraid. You will come home and discover new, ever deeper strengths in yourself. Life is good. This is a time of transformation on Earth. The more you believe in yourself, and the more you feel the forces of the Earth and the Sun and Cosmos around you, the more you will experience joy in life. That is not to say that problems and experiences, even unpleasant ones, will not keep coming. But through inner peace and belief in yourself, everything receives a joyful glow, and that is what you need. That is what the Earth and humanity have a need for: more gentleness, more letting go. Life wants to redeem you, wants to reach out a hand. Take it.
Think about it…
To overthrow a country one simply has to gain control of the election machines. Then you place your people in Government, who appoint your people throughout all the agencies.
The politicians you selected then appoint judges that you select and tell them to appoint.
Within 8 years you control at least 1/4 of the country.