Gee, I wonder where they got their narrative from?
Tink Mirror? :-)
Here is the WiredCraft page if anyone wants to dig around, Re: Myanmar election fraud:
You're in luck, anon. I just bought all the silver.
Q does not leave. I am pretty sure Q has answered me directly in here from time to time.
Right…couldn't be possible…KEK
>BTW they're share machine goes BRRR they're now "printing' imaginary GME shares hoping to hold out longer. make sure to mark your GME purchase NOT FOR LENDING…so they can't urn around and lend your shares to a hedgefund to rent and sell.
I saw some Redditeer blabbing about this yesterday. They provided some sweepingly nebulous blah-blah without any real solid explanation, or demonstration that they knew the 1st thing about how the markets function. It is total bullshit.
Not saying this micro-targeting strategy won't achieve its goals…just that part of it is simply wrong.