Bread of Last
>Show in my post where I called you a liar!?
Keep digging that hole, boy. You'll hit magma soon.
Bread of Last
>Show in my post where I called you a liar!?
Keep digging that hole, boy. You'll hit magma soon.
>Anons, if you each buy just 10 ounces, youโll destroy the satanic banks.
I've bought silver and gold at a fairly regular pace since 1997. I've never paid more than a 3% comission on purchases or sales (going to your coin guy during slow times and talking hard money conservatism for a while while doing business, or just dropping by can cut that to 1% if he needs to or feels like it).
No way in HELL am I paying these fucked up premiums. Hell I might go sell some and see if I can get 5, 10% + on my sale, then buy back after the stupid dies down.
So, your only at 3rd huh?
>this is quickly looking like gerbil's replacement.
>we'll see what happens.
That cat looks familiar for some reason, and I'm not talking witches assistants
Damn monster said GME at $350.
>Yes, do it.
Every time I open the safe I start saying "My precious" and forget why I opened it.
I call it a commision because that's how the shop owner makes money on his inventory, and 3% is fairly standard. When everyone does it, it's a cost of doing business, not a premium in my book. Further, my current shop owner calls it a commision. It helps to see a real premium, as we see now, when it's non uniform and over 3%. Whichever floats your boat. I use terms that improve precision for my own purposes.
>That is some kitchen
No tendies freezers, microwaves, beverage coolers, and empty beverage cansโฆHow can anyone work in a dump like that.
>Have you started walking outdoors in bare feet and eating unprepared raw fish?
No comment
>I ended up paying 30 per ounce.
6.6% over current spot. Good compared to what I'm hearing.
Should have asked for junk coins like old US silver dollars. You gotta know your numbers and weigh them. Not sure if any available.
Ok that's two digits in a row off a post alledgedly showing a time stamp in .mil "bakery" matching date in Q drop mentioning our bakery.
Keep stacking the KeKs.
>CoT is total bullshit and always has been
>CoT is total bullshit and always has been
We're committed to these trades until market conditions change.
We don't know what Powell's closing ramp will be, so it will certainly change by fiffteen minutes before close.
You know some people did things.
I didn't choke up one bit.
The high in 2011, when The Morgue closed delivery contracts for Fed Bucks was $50 IIRC.
So that's a very real line in the sand. Not sure what it means if it closes above $50, but I will start grabbing my butt if it does.
This is so non scientific and bullshit based, I don't even know what to say anymore. You think the last steaming pile of horseshit was as bad as it cn get, and it's like they take it as a challenge to ramp up the stupid.
Only if the miners as a hole are punching 80%+ capacity, which they ain't
I like Byrne, but it seems to me that this is disinfo to make the Dims and others that all POTUS allies are fractured and backstabbing each other.,
> Metal bugs were allies?
They been hard core longer than any single group, except the Birchers. Except metal bugs only started in the 60's and were Bircher's first, mostly.
So yeah long time hard core.
(Bircher's=John Birch Society and allies).
>How many ounces you build up?
Something about posting that info on an anonymous internet message board causes every nerve in my body to scream no.
I'll just say that sometimes i have a bit of rum and sing "Yohoho it's a pirates life for me" when I open the safe.
Now morph with chucky