Seems the highest swab foretold the anal swab….
wearing the symbol of the popish crusades…
How did that work out for the Templars?
After wearing this for their Papacy,
the Papacy slow roasted them.
Crusades weren't just against Muslims.
They were also against non-catholic Christians of whom they falsely accused as being hereticks,
and against their own Catholic followers who tried to help them.
The papal legate devil said of the latter,
Kill them all,
God will sort them out.
Crusaders were NOT heroes.
The Papacy also game them indulgences
(free passes from going to hell)
while they committed the "mortal" sins of "godly" rapine,
and murder of fellow catholics and non-catholic Christians.
Those non-Catholic Christians refused their statues and their wafers,
so the Papacy called this "a belief in the material world as being evil",
pegging them a "Manicheans".
This "history" is to this day repeated,
yet it's no better than the NY slimes or the Washington Compost or CommieNN.
>sense of humour
Ah, yes!
murder of fellow catholics and non-catholic Christians is humorous.