This again? Damn it guys! >>12788318 {pb #16324}
It was already posted >>12781540 {pb #>16315}
And I already explained that's the opposite of what is been implied here >>12783764 {pb #16318}
>There were no National Guardsmen deployed in the 6th non-riot. Why would anyone go on with this narrative an have it included in the notables? NG is not DC police. We had a rally with real POTUS why would the NG be there in the first place? NG does not invite itself and most certainly would no be required to come gun totting to manage a rally in the presence of real POTUS. Those instructions were given in case more men were needed to manage a real POTUS rally than the DC police could spare.
Stop falling for the shills that are pushing the insurrection incitement narrative!