Yeah, I really hope Mattis is on the Q team so he can shame everyone making ridiculous demands.
Future proves past…in frog form.
Not everyone who gets naked for pictures is a fucking slave. In fact, I would say it's a small proportion. Lots of degradation of the culture, lad. Lots of bitches be crazy ass hoes an sheeit.
Stealth Jeff on Twatter has already honed in on his method; but Sessions keeps fucking winning.
Well, it's official. Hillary Clinton's campaign has blamed aliens on her loss as well. Not directly, but the failures to disclose or some bullshit. I'm delighted and disgusted simultaneously.
Holy SHIT!!!! Podesta is blaming the CIA for Hillary's loss on fucking ANCIENT ALIENS for not wanting ALIEN documentation released. He's trying to spin it on a shit show.
Um…Ancient Aliens s13e01. Torrent it if you must. It's hilarious.