democracy is the only solution, why are you committing to force? was the attack “ islamophobic ” in origin? from where did you receive/research/develop your beliefs? is it not preferable to die in war rather than suffer any longer so horrible a spectacle? what gives a nation strength? why won ’ t somebody do something? were/are you “ left wing ”? but the aftershock from my actions will ripple for years to come, driving political and social discourse, creating the atmosphere or fear and change that is required. finding their people, finding their traditions, seeing through the lies of history, the brainwashing of the institutions and they angry, they are energized and yes, against their degenerate societies, they are radicalized. wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight, and learn, too late, they grieved it on its way, do not go gentle into that good night. it is understood by many that the only real reason that many statistics of our ethnic replacement haven ’ t yet matched with our reality is that are numbers are currently buoyed by the baby boomer generation.
i had seen enough, and in anger, drove out of the the town, refusing to stay any longer in the cursed place and headed on to the next town. these situations are chaotic and virtually impossible to control, no matter the planning. what makes you believe there are racial differences and that those differences matter? the truth that they are expected not to combat these myriad, unending and dedicated interlopers, but to embrace them, accept their own disenfranchisement, accept the loss of their fathers lands, their own impoverishment, their own replacement. the hagia sophia will be free of minarets and constantinople will be rightfully christian owned once more. household flour, a method of dispersion and an ignition source.a ballpeen hammer and a wooden shield.gas, fire, vehicular attacks, plane attacks, any means were available.