How are they so strong, China set to be the worlds most dominant nation in this century, whilst lacking diversity? Did the groups you support/are aligned with order or promote your attack? CONSERVATISM IS DEAD, THANK GOD. A muslim man or woman living in their homelands? No. These events turned my thoughts from pursuing a democratic, political solution and finally caused the revelation of the truth, that a violent, revolutionary solution is the only possible solution to our current crisis. Rage, rage against the dying of the light. This balkanization of the US will not only result in the racial separation of the people within the United States ensuring the future of the White race on the North American continent, but also ensuring the death of the “ melting pot ” pipe dream. The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People ’ s Republic of China. Survival was a better alternative to death in order to further spread my ideals by media coverage and to deplete resources from the state by my own imprisonment. Yes, I dislike them. Were/are you a neo-nazi?
Were/are you a neo-nazi? No, actual nazis do not exist.They haven ’ t been a political or social force anywhere in the world for more than 60 years. Erdogan, the leader of one of the oldest enemies of our people, and the leader of the largest islamic group within Europe. To take revenge for Ebba Akerlund. The spell broke, why don ’ t I do something? The more diverse a group becomes, the less equal it becomes.