that difference was ebba akerlund. do you believe you are better than these men? they were attacks on my people, attacks on my culture, attacks on my faith and attacks on my soul. the united states is one of the most diverse nations on earth, and they are about an inch away from tearing each other to pieces. overcome us? a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
were/are you a fascist? a muslim man or woman living in their homelands? no. those who are not ethnically and culturally european. the people of the countrysides are already traditional, already close to nature, already supportive of their people. inaction will lead to sure defeat. victors write the history and the writers of history control the cultural climate of the present time.
>barring the importation of all goods produced outside the new european zone (the new western world) is an essential pillar of the future western economy.