why did you choose this time to attack? break it ’ s back, anyway you can. did/do you have ties to any other partisans/freedom fighters/ethno soldiers? i will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth, mark my fucking words. no, actual nazis do not exist.they haven ’ t been a political or social force anywhere in the world for more than 60 years. but in the end the struggle is a beauty in itself, and the victory will be all the sweeter because of it.final victory is yours, if you have the will for it. preventing these enemies from reaching adulthood and their full potential of effect is of the importance. but, if those same people seek to come to my peoples lands, replace my people, subjugate my people, make war upon on my people,, hen i shall be forced to fight them, and hold nothing in reserve. south africa with all its “ diversity ” is turning into a bloody backwater as its diversity increases, black on other black, black on white, white on black, black on indian, doesn ’ t not matter, its ethnicity vs ethnicity. in every french city, in every french town the invaders were there. you will be revered, but only if you win.
millions of people pouring across our borders, legally.invited by the state and corporate entities to replace the white people who have failed to reproduce, failed to create the cheap labour, new consumers and tax base that the corporations and states need to thrive. there is no nation in the world that wasn ’ t founded by, or maintained by, the use of force. the nation? no man spoke it aloud when the saxon began to hate. why were we allowing these soldiers deaths to be in vain? why did you target those people?
>does anyone even ask why?