when i know, i will tell you. blitz to dominant positions all true movements are populist movements while the movement itself, at least in the vanguard stage, does not need to have the support of the entire population, eventually we will need our people to join our new society, and voluntarily. our lands are not their home, they can return to their own lands or found their homelands elsewhere. i was left with a short period of time to create a new work and only leave my views half finished. was the attack “ racist ” in origin? this stripping of wealth and prosperity in order to feed and develop our cultural competitors is an act of civilization terrorism resulting in the reduction in development and living conditions of our own people for the benefit of those that hate us. do you believe those you attacked were innocent? as i sat there in the parking lot, in my rental car, i watched a stream of the invaders walk through the shopping centre ’ s front doors. this is racial replacement. was there a particular event or reason you decided to commit to a violent attack? prepare for war, prepare for violence and prepare for risk, loss, struggle, death.
were/are you a “ islamophobe ”? history is the history of power. due to the threat of ethnic replacement and our own horribly low birth rates, we do not have 150 years or even 50 years to achieve positions of power. the economic elites who line their pockets with the profit received from our own ethnic replacement. why them when i could do it myself? what do you want?