downloaded the 2016-06-03_insurance.aes256 file via the archived link from the WikiLeaks twatter account.
did some digging and figured out that I had to download some software to decrypt this type of file.
Now, I might have done this entirely wrong because I am no expert and I ran up against something I couldn't find an answer for: the file extension is .aes256, and none of the software I found would recognize the file. They all look for ".aes" without the numbers on the end. Didn't see anything on the interwebs about a program that specifically deals with ".aes256" extension.
I took a stab at just dropping the numbers and renaming the extension to .aes - and was able to access the "AES Decrypt" option by right clicking (see illustration), after installing AES Crypt software. It at least behaved as though it was trying to open the file as per normal.
This may be entirely the wrong thing to do - total n00b in this arena and couldn't find information easily.
I tried the password in two formats: just the string inside the quotes "cultstate.com has issued protections on this matter" AND the whole phrase including the "inside the quotations" bit.
Neither worked. I don't know if that means it's not the right file, or if that just means I did it wrong - but wanted to share what I tried.
I am hopeful that the actual files, wherever they are, have already found their way into the correct hands. And I hope no innocent eyes are unnecessarily subjected to any of the darker stuff. :(
God bless, frens.