How about a better interpretation, not one possibly done by a comped religious system of Demonations.
In the End times when the fake markets and stocks and bonds of the Beast System fall and there is nothing to back the worthless paper system, the bankers and bondsman and those who willingly participated in the beast system will throw their Silver and Gold (SLV, and GLD) into the streets because it will have no worth.
Even Jesus knew the world ran on money and will even if he returns. Honest currency he made, gold and silver.
Even the Apostles in teaching us for the future with the story of Ananias and his wife used real gold and silver to live and so did the apostles, corruptions killed them both for lying to God. Be honest in your dealings.
A fool will throw real silver and Real Gold into the street. A wise man will throw away SLV and GLD stocks that have no value when it crashes most likely this week.