>"the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean." - Bidan
hey that is cut editted
shill hole dumb
wont you leave
and take away the criiiiiinge
shill hole dumb
y u dumb
y u dumb
oh, well hello fellow person
its an off night, friday nights are usually pretty solid
President Donald J Trump!
a 5g nanobot just flew over your house
the cancer is in ol coke mitch's turtle gulet
Trump's final hours were spent pushing satanic poison vaccines - hardly a Biblical Ending.
The plan was left to your imagination.
even sober and id still bang her
what can ya do
yep, thats the one
Trump did everything he could to sell the vaccines - keep an eye on his wealth. If it goes up, there is your answer.
Lon Horiuchi
Not really - just facing reality. It's high time you man up, or you will be used and tossed to the side again.