This says that the non-coding DNA can be re-activated.
hmm.. food for thought below.
While Dollo's Law suggests that the loss of function in pseudogenes is likely permanent, silenced genes may actually retain function for several million years and can be "reactivated" into protein-coding sequences[26] and a substantial number of pseudogenes are actively transcribed.[24][27] Because pseudogenes are presumed to change without evolutionary constraint, they can serve as a useful model of the type and frequencies of various spontaneous genetic mutations.[28]
check this
do you see how E splits into E1 and E2 on that tree.
Do you see how the second image shows neandrathal disease risks rates go down by %.
E1 is a <0101and E2 is <1010>
Now. The E is related to the Natufians of Africa. It is an ancient society that practices skull worship and stuff.
Sounds.. familiar.
Haplogroup E is also the dominant group in Washington DC.
Do you think washington DC is made up of E1 or E2?
Are all E's bad? You notice how far back they are in the lineage.
Are some E good?
Are the Natufian E the same as the Berber Moor of Northern Africa, the Germans, and later the Melungeons of Jamestown and Cumberland Gap of Tennessee.
Are the Melungeons of Appalcha the good E and the Washington DC people are the bad E?
I wonder what… the threshold is for the DYZ19 mutation to occur in the bloodline of C E > etc