"Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein co-founded the Clinton Foundation" (2/4/20),
Zimmerman, Malia, "Billionaire sex offender Epstein once claimed he co-founded ClintonFoundation" (7/6/16),
Schweizer, Peter, "Exposing The Clinton Global Financial Network" (4/18/16),
"Bill Clinton's Mystery Aide in North Korea" (8/9/09),
Wallace-Wells, Benjamin, "The Trouble with Doug Band" (11/1/16),
Corcoran, Kieran, "Clinton foundation 'received $81 million in donations fromcontroversial HSBC Swiss bank - including $1million to dress up as a Russian soldier for lavishfundraiser' " (2/10/15),
MacGillis, Alec, "Scandal at Clinton Inc.: How Doug Band drove a wedge through a politicaldynasty" (9/22/13),
Dunleavy, Jerry, "Flight manifests reveal Bill Clinton traveled with Epstein six times, notthe four times he admitted" (7/10/19),
"FBI Dir. Comey: Member, HSBC Board – Clinton Foundation and Drug Cartel MoneyLaunderer" (3/21/17),
HSBC Press Release, "Former US Deputy Attorney General [Comey] joins HSBC Board"Press Release (1/30/13),
Laura Silsby convicted child sex trafficker.
Are Bill & Hillary Clinton Involved with Child Trafficking?
1· "Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and BusinessesHelped Make Bill and Hillary Rich" (2015) by Peter Schweizer, book
2· "Clinton Cash" 4-pg summary PDF,
3· "Clinton Cash" film adaptation by M.A. Taylor (7/23/16)
4· "Clinton Foundation Donors Got Weapons Deals From Hillary Clinton's StateDepartment" by David Sirota & Andrew Perez (05/26/15)
5· Hasson, Peter, "Just 5.7 Percent Of Clinton Foundation Budget Actually Went ToCharitable Grants" (9/16/16),
6· Clinton Foundation 2014 Tax Return,
7· Tapscott, Mark, "Clinton Foundation Deceived IRS On Tax Exemption From The Start"(9/7/16),
8· "Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation"
9· "Scam Exposed: Donations To Clinton Foundation Plummeted After Clinton Lost TheElection",