What's really up Chris Christie's ass kek?
Something to consider…according to some documentation submitted to Colorado by Dominion, I found out that New Jersey started implementing their shit there sometime in 2013. Why is 2013 important? Several reasons, and I'd guess they're interconnected. First, Superstorm Sandy happened just before the election in 2012, providing Hussein with that infamous photo op and maybe the chance to extort something by withholding federal disaster aid. Now enter 2013: Christie's up for re-election himself, and in the meantime, dirty Dominion is put into place for several counties, some of the most libtarded in fact. Then what happens in September? Why, Bridgegate of course! But does it ruin his chances at winning? Not at all…he wins a landslide, even the majority of libtarded counties (shock). But then, his second term is markedly different than his first, preoccupied with dreams of becoming president, and ending with the least Republican/Conservative move imaginable: a hefty state gas tax hike that comes outta nowhere. Not to mention the seemingly preprogrammed takeover by Banker Boy Covid King Herr Murphy, Hussein's former ambassador to Dominion-connected Germany, who beat rather handily Christie's deputy governor, who'd by then thrown Cape May Shamu under the bus for God-knows-what. For why do you think, frens? Why would he then whine at POTUS for trying to prove Dominion-connected election shenanigans? Christie was set up and took Hussein's bait long ago?
Oh and if you 'member, Chris Wray was Shamu's Bridgegate lawyer. Small world.