Tanks Anons
Yeah Bill that might work.
However, I think if we just hang you, your wife, your heirs (going full Roman) your global pandemic group members, bulldoze your house, your company, and salt the earth where they stood, we'll have a good hundred year plus respite from this bullshit.
>i dont see any reason to remove them until there is something new to replace them. thats where thing are right now. they're not hurting anybody.
Day shift will go spastic if an early graveyard bread decides to remove globals. I personally don't want to deal with the Karens and there pet faggots going on about it with Stonks and Silber shit to follow. Those anons would dodge and weeave heavy machine gun fire to bitch about it even if they're restored.
Let them do it.
It ain't a Night Shift thang to do clerical work.
OOOO nice one boatfag
>What is keeping comfy anons comfy?
Mother fucking revolts just rising like praerie fires first here and now spreading out from the center, And yeah, we ARE the fucking center.
Tried hard to get these fires rolling in 08, but just too few tools, too few people, and a fucking dynastic political and financial system.
All these long years came Potus Trump and this muther fucking Q thang which my rational mind dismissed as a larp, but my right brain, the music side just called me to follow this to 8chan.
Right brain is fucking always right. Plan, no plan, real fake hoax, the mother fucking PEOPLE of this nation needed this behind the scenes hero. So did Potus. This movement derailed MUH RUSSIA, Impeachment I, and kept him flying high through covid to the greatest electoral and popular vote win in this countries history.
WE FUCKING WON. We had the best goddam TANK a raiding party could ever wish for, but we UNIFIED under Q's banner. It gave Trump cover and it jerked off the MSM. If Q is a psyop itg fucked them! PERIOD. FULL FUCKING STOP!
They attacked our POTUS! They attacked us but we're nutballs knowing so who GAF, they attacked stupid conspiracy theories that they could stick on us. POTUS, the loyalists in his admin, with Anons flying all our banners high, and MAGA collecting the newly fucking awakened.
We fcuking did it.
Do any of these DC nimrods or bubble headed bleach blonds look happy right now? They say they won. Why the fuck don't they fucking act like it then?!?
Why is DC locked down, Stonks locked down, CBOT moving to lock down, and yet these stupid morans are afraid to leave their tiny enclaves and walk down the streets.
Hey mutha fuckin Fredo, go take a God damn walk through Queens or the Bronx. What you a fucking pussy steroid boy. Yeah you are. cuz your fucking piece of shit brother murdered those peoples parents and Grand parents, it's no longer hidden, and they want some pay back bitch, and you and your knee knocking cowardly brother, you fucking WOP scum, you know it. And you're fucking scared. MAGA aint scared. Anons? We're setting demo charges all over NYShittys financial infrastructure. Do we look scared to you dick face?
Goddamned worthless back stabbing pieces of shit in the fucking GOP. Oh yeah. We needed to see you traitors thrust your blades in POTUS back. You worthless sissies would have lost your mutha fucking asses without POTUS Q and MAGA.
And don't pat yourselves on the back for pulling one over on us, cuz we knew. We knew what a bunch of useless corrupt money grubbing cock sucking whores the vast majority of the Senate was filled with, and where Non Tea Party house members stood, but without your God Damned Soul to Hell asses, election was futile. So WE supported you hell bound losers. Not your stupid consultants like Turd Boy, most certanly not the non existant leader ship of McConell, bro McCarthy you best step up your game son cuz CA is a one party state, the Dims ARE going to run against you, and with out us, you can fucking learn to code.,
>What is keeping comfy anons comfy?
So that's why I'm fucking comfy. Because the whole rotten shit show that these sick, stupid, fucking low IQ MORANs want us to respect, is quite frankly not worth the effort to remodel, fix, repair or restore. These scum bags are like a fucking a Demon, two viscious Poitergeists and the souls of a city of massacred people caught by the first three, haunting a 1200 SF house. The only thing to do is fence it off, establish a guard, try to help the lost souls, take the founding documents and move on. And the people who try to assure themselves that they are back in control, know full fucking well they aren't and that fourth wall is down, and they are naked and exposed. That's why they want us locked up. Because we see them and are ridiculing them with a billion times the intensity they ridiculed us and our families oh these long years.
So take a breath. Breath. The foul stench of Mordor burning trying desperately to singe your lungs suddenly gets wafted away by an opposing gentle breeze. SO BREATH.
Then get your shit together, cuz this fortress needs to be torn down to the foundations, and we got a lot of good, American hard work to do.
But we have history's best TANK, we are Q, and we have 75MM MAGA strong who not only know how to work but are chomping at the bit to rebuild not just the USA, but all of Christiandom. And the little pew pew spell casters of the cabal's illusions no longer work.
Heads the FUCK UP you glorious fucking KeK inspired Anons. They can't stop what's coming. Nothing can stop what's comming except God but he's mostly on our side, so make sure to Honor him, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit AMEN, cuz frankly were tards and were gonna need that help.
Love ya'll, no homo.
There's a difference between knowing and saying.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein,
now that was a fun MP game. I was one of the top 10 ranked ladder tourney snipers. Great team.
Sorry. Stream of consciousness. Just did my best and kept moving.
Spelling has always been a problem for me.
You obviously took my meaning.
If there is a tell that this ain't over, the inabiilty of the Biden admin to block Gen Charles Flynn's promotion to such a key Biden crony connected region is it.
I always believe that such narrow possibility outcomes ignore the actions of those who you do not know or see. They may not have a voice at the table, but they have a say, none the less.
In times such as these, it is important to look past those who think themselves powerful, and get a sense of what the voiceless are saying.
Holy Wars
>I myself am having Friendly's Coffee Cookie Crumble with whipped cream
Fuck that sounds good. Muh covid has fucking everything closed now. 4 long hours
> I would rather us not be associated with the name any longer
You don't see.
We are Q.
The DS got the insurrection act plan FROM US.
They got all of their intel from us.
They tried to frame us on the 6th and Potus cleared the pipe bombs and delayed MAGA. Their insurection is now a an erection, a fucking joke.
There are no Q patriots. We are Q. There are Patriots. Some Patriots are Q. There is MAGA. MAGA are patriots. Some MAGA are Q. But Q told us, years ago, that we specifically, are Q.
Yes it's a metaphor, but an important one. Our revolution from Britain was intellectually led by Publius.
The similarity of Publius to Q cannot be ignored.
Chin up.
Ain't over by a long shot.