Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 9:15 p.m. No.12796565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6583

I find this to be interesting as a mothjer fucker


Why does the Covid19 impact map match with genetic distribution maps for neadrathal…



more importantly right here.




Does the COVID19 map… match the psilocibin mushroom distribution map lol

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 9:27 p.m. No.12796655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6669


hold on

cause you said something


on the edge


look at the map

it is all on the edge..

of what?


an arctic jungle?

was the antarctica the middle of pangea and you see the heat map on the edges of where it broke apart?

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 9:30 p.m. No.12796686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6718



new theory

old theory


the geothermal vents are attached to this <bacteriathat is causing <evil> in neadrathal % people.


it is like they are being fueled by the pits of hell in the form of living on top of burning magma


but it must attract them somehow

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 9:33 p.m. No.12796718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6736






neandrathal wiped by volcano


these things have been standing on the fucking volcano vents since whatever blew in antarctica causing the pangea plate to split.


It could have been yellowstone

but i think there is something more central in the middle of the antarctica


i am sure i can find it just need to look



explains revelations


fuckign evil idiots live on top of the vents and the rest of us do not lol

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 9:36 p.m. No.12796741   🗄️.is 🔗kun

oh look

a volcano big enough to split pangea


and better yet


i wonder if it will blow when the ice caps melt off the top of it?

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 9:40 p.m. No.12796773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6801 >>6826


hold on

back up

neandrathal dont have appendix?



i just had a side thought


cause it seems % neandrathal is the cabal structure


but maybe it is because the neadrathal got spliced by <dracobefore south african man?


i dunno. something does and doesn't make sense here.


like the % neandrathal is obviously a component of power on earth that is clear and obvious if you study the relevant <DATA>


but. the thing is, is it the neandrathal that makes them unique, or the splicing from another being into neandrathal that makes them unique.


is a denisovan spliced with the same dna as a neandrathal?


is that what makes it different?


or is something different splcing into a denisovan and a different into neadrathal?

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 9:43 p.m. No.12796801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6821 >>6873



there was tree man first >the yowie >> the yet > the aboriginal >> the whatever the fuck neandrathal > esau > >???


there was the insect >>but i can't really track it


the thing is you have to explain this shit biblically in my opinion


i need to reconcile the bible with science and genetics


you al;l may not have that job on earth, but it happens to be mine so i spam about it looking for help lol


i gotta figure out where we came from to get here so i can start calculating where jesus is at and prove that Xi and Trump are both zionist bloodline [Trump] and Xi <planet X E.T>

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 9:54 p.m. No.12796873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6972


cause I think..


that Covid 19 is the plague, it is only impacting neandrathals right


and neandrathals are all living on geothermal vents and they were extinct by a geothermal vent or nearly extinct


they had to have been fairly advanced

but it wasn't the neadrathal that was advanced

it may have been the atlantean that was advanced.

but there was no atlantean before neandrathal was spliced


neandrathal was spliced and formed atlantis

the same creature


denisovan and made mu


like toys in a kins playroom


they set up a little game where they spliced two different hominids and pitted them at eachother?


then obliterated the game and made the 23 chromosome human being on the 7th day?


cause neandrathal hits at chrom 5

denisovan hits at chrom 13


i dunno

schizophrenia hits at chrom 6

down syndrom hits at 21

— look at this shit

okay 21 is the smallest chrom is the set right and most people have 2, down syndrome has 3.

if most people have 2, you would think that is better than 1. do some people have 1?



i have a fucking theory

that down syndrome people live in another dimension and like remote control their bodies basically

they just cant say it


as a schizo that knows whats up with this dimensional stuff. I know when a down syndrome or high auttistic is showing me something that is odd, it is good to listen, not dismiss.


what are they able to see that we cant?





autism, schizophrenia, down syndrome


and probably other chromosomal mutations

are not dysfunctional alterations like cherynobl or some shit


they are natural strengths/weaknesses in a multidimensional interconnected world


i would like to think that we each have a chromosome that is unique


and that gives us our <>unique<quality but also our like quality


what if we could find a certain chromosome in each of the genetic groups on earth to match the 23 chromosomes?


there are like 28 letters in the genetic alphabet, some of those are … out of the binary star system though.


so maybe the DNA is something that gives you not only a chromosomal speciality, but it holds the <moral codefor living stuff



Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 10:05 p.m. No.12796943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7008 >>7192 >>7217 >>7250


okay check this out

i have been on this kick for years

but i am rounding the corner

to prove it


what is DNA in Bacteria




is evil an incurable virus that attacks the moral integrity of the DYZ system?


check this DYZ19

trump is mutated here

that is how i found it

all haplogroup R is mutated here possibly

they are the test group for this study i was reading earlier


check it

is this thing even alive?

does it have a soul?


can i prove it ? lol



i cant read this shit right

it is a bit over my head

but i am picking up enough to know what i am looking at maybe


this DYZ shit is important. super-compact genome. like a shell. DYZ19 is second layer and it has a more compact <stringinside of it.


like can this shit even hear me talking?



all these haplogroups have a component that is altering the quantum gate system.

i cant really read this either

but i was plugging in stuff i know that helps me see where i should be looking

it is like …. personal sauce that leads me places, rather than something worht sharing


i determined these gates are important


the first gates are <chromosomalmaybe, cause they are labeled X and Y and Z

the triple helix system?


so check it out

neandrathal lost Y chrome?

Y chrome is father

father is Adam

Adam is first

if no adam is there no soul?

but wait

eve was made of adam

so she has an <adam rib>

in her

which i think is the part of the DNA that is stored compacted within DYZ19

i am assuming that only the X gate is operational in the DYZ19 mutated structure associated with a <virusthat alters the DNA.

the other possibility is that the virus is the being. it is like a superbacteria.


cause humans have superbacteria in there stomachs and stuff so we are symbiotic with it


are we symbiotic as a virus with the bacteria?

or are we part of the bacteria?

i dunno


i think this


immorality and % shit of whatever blood +/- thing has a logical simple scientific explaination


i also think


that this shit can be <activated>

it isnt like a lost cause


it just need to be flipped on


there are instruction

from the ancients

on how to <heal the dna structure>[responsibly]




So were they ever alive? Most biologists say no. Viruses are not made out of cells, they can't keep themselves in a stable state, they don't grow, and they can't make their own energy. Even though they definitely replicate and adapt to their environment, viruses are more like androids than real living organisms.

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 10:12 p.m. No.12796972   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6990 >>7042




so if anyone is checking this DYZ19 thing out

check this out


everything on the left of the DYZ19 <GATEis there right. but when the DYZ19 mutation occurs, all that data on the left gets erased. It leaves 2 smaller data sets to the right of DYZ19 gate…. but is that enough to… be human?

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 10:22 p.m. No.12797042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7047


check out the core

DYZ1 and DYZ2

wtf is this shit

they say it is <non-functioningnon-protein producing junk material

that is just not true lol


i think what this says

is that DYZ1 and DYZ2

can get fucked up and it makes you a hermaphrodite

i dont think that is junk dna

so it is basically saying your Y chromosome, your adam self is stored in the first binary set 0 1 or DYZ1 and DYZ2


boy or girl? or just a boy? on or off 11 or 00 or 1 0. i dunno. whatever.. irrelevant


i wonder what the fucking next layer does?

give you eyeballs and a pineal gland.?


fucking shit america

i am a schizo with a keyboard

and they are telling me this shit is junk DNA

but when it gets messed up you are a boy and a girl at the same time?

was adam a-sexual?

was adams first <thoughtin the brain the most compacted and dense region of the genome?

was adams first contemplation 01 10 boy/girl girl/boy

or is that literally the very moment in which the Lord breathed a 1 into a field of 0

not even a field of 0


you cant say zero or nothing without

just saying it


i found this last night

they are quantum symbols that mean no value

so it is not a 1 or a 0

it is a paramater

like the walls around the universe

or the firmament of a field

or the cell wall

but represented by a greek symbol for psi or something




i guess i will start working my way outward from DYZ1 and DYZ2

and see what this shit is doing


i want to know what ….. you are thinking about if you have a DYZ19 mutation

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 10:32 p.m. No.12797083   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7106 >>7221 >>7249




i hear you a bit


i have seen some stuff about like messenger dna stuff taking effect based on disease like HPV and aids and stuff.

i dont know exactly.

cause the lit was a bit above my head

i am just like… uhh,, important DNA is being carried or not carried based on infection


same thing with covid, it only impacts democrats. look at a heat map for COVID and compare it to a political map of the US lol



why are the democrats R1b and living over geothermal vents?


it just doesn't quite make sense to say

fungi or mold or yeasts

maybe you can help me draw the conclusion better.


i hear you on fungus cause the mushroom map also matches teh other % maps i see


and what about the mckenna stoned ape theory?



does the psilocibin act as a <amplifierfor reproduction on the genetic level?



i was reading a short article about MDMA and how it was causing octopus to be more <touchy feelyand opt to breed on it or some shit


so maybe the consumption of mushrooms helped replicated something particular…

was it good / bad / not either …


i saw volcanoes the other day

tehy have bacteria on the surface

and there are component bacteria

inside the magma like top / middle / bottom

and they all survive at different temps

but they do a super fast spreading of something.

thermophiles they are called


but i was wondering how the surface thermophile alerts the internal part of the volcano or bacterial superorganism as to. what is happening


but they can study these thermophiles on the surface and when the count gets too high/low it erupts


so… something on the surface.. like people swimming in the vents, or rain with bacteria, or animals or something.


it like triggers the rapid messaging of information through a thermophile system


i am wondering if it is just climate change

like they cant withstand the external temp

and as they die

the middle

then the magma vent and rock thermophile die off

which could cuase the chamber to lose it's structural integrity and blow


you see

i am crazy

i cant just sit around and say bible genesis bible revelation

i gotta prove that shit not for myself

but for everyone else

i believe in miracles and even believe in things like manifestation

but that stuff is <science>

not…. la la land magic shit

even magic is science soo..

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 10:44 p.m. No.12797134   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you see this shit

i swear to shit htis stuff is bizarre

how do i find things that i know nothing of

that science seems to right about in a language i barely comprehend



wtf is this shit

it is called a 3D splicer

and they are showing pictures of the FUCKING HUMAN BRAIN

and calling shit this DYZ stuff

it looks pretty fucking brain program like to me

i feel lik ia am <hackedinto their network


look at this shit

if this isn't about brain hacking

i dont know what it is

it is a powerpoint

just google this string and it will come up Tensor Sample Data Set … Final tutorial dataset. 0:Dxx 3:Dxy 4:Dxz 1:Dyy 5:Dyz 2:Dzz.

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 10:54 p.m. No.12797187   🗄️.is 🔗kun


check this shit out

it is the D Y Z again

but it is like a trinity in the DNA or some shit


i know these asshole scientists know whats up

or they would translate this shit to me on the news


check otu this first one

apparently oxygen binds to iron?

iron core for the atmosphere of earth?

iron core on small level too?


i dunno america

seems relevant science to me lol

i dunno why my dumb dumb has to go digging for the stuff that makes us all similiar

or some shit

they are hiding shit in the fucking fancing ass words i dont know

i know enough to know they are talking behind my fucking back

see this article, they call it a "functional wasteland" of the DNA

but they put it in quotes like that for a peer-reviewed article? like implying it is functional but chaotic or something?

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 10:57 p.m. No.12797198   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7213 >>7215



i am not a shill

i swear to shit

i incarnated as zeus here

but that dont come with a fucking instruction manual

like maybe it is in the soul code somewhere

but i still gotta do this work

it is like…

i dunno

i can access the <fieldor the akashic records i think they are called

i dont know

my mother is an antlantean

she pole flipped and speaks to me

about the universe

she is all know

she wasnt all knowing last week

now she is cleaning all the black holes up and reconnecting them to central suns and stuff…


my mom is a normie

talking about being an atantean


something is fuckign going on


i am just doing me lol

no shill intended

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 11:02 p.m. No.12797215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7223 >>7271


Last week my mother was a reptilian from outerspace who was trying to kill me




she flipped and is cleaning all the black holes and doing everythign really good


she is a 2 bit.

she only goes real bad or real good


now she is just a chipper

atlantean being

doesn't know how she got here

just has black holes to work on

and star systems to keep the timing on and shit

i swear to you

my family and I along with my <brother(me + 5_) + mom are your 7 angels


i dont know what to expect

ii have to live too



i am sure there are trumpets around here somewhere


i dont know all the stories

i just got this soul thing

and so i read the stories to make sure i am on the right track

but mostly

i read them to get you all on the track that i see

i think that is what i am supposed to be doing


like geting everything lined up

like i have teh key to the alphabet and stuff

but my soul is some ancient thing in my vessel

i didnt do anythingf in this life to become inhabited by zeus iswhat i am saying


i just <recieveevnegy from the field

and it is all about timing and calendars and language and this and that


it is fucking weird

but i feel like my soul is some panteon soul that always come back

and i have this key to the game you call life


but i kinda gotta get the key myself

like the me in the body has a fun time finding the key too


but i know it is there

so i just keep digging

trying to get a better picture all the time

but i gotta pick up data from all the C3 brain to process through my c4

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 11:07 p.m. No.12797241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7267


it is weird

cause i always have been fighting this cabal

my mother included

and it all chagned

soooooo strange

but everythign started to make sense


i always felt like a dirty jew or reptile or something

but then i realized my mother was like an ancient from atlantis

she aint even here. she sees 4d or some shit

i can talk to her

about flying my spaceship from star system to star system


fuck if i know seriously

but i just think i am supposed to give you all this key to unlock all this stuff

it isn't <my key

i just have it for myself and you all

i get to live

i just get to be the key dude

i am the key dude

what ever

i am a normal dude

i will say

i dont mind, but everyone thinks it isn't fair and their ego gets mad cause i got the keys to everything

but it isn't that great to be the key dude cause you show up early to the dinner and everyone else comes late and they say they are on time and i tell them they are late and rthey have been trying to kill me


at least the cabal isnt <huntingme for the time anymore..


fucking project monarch

the hole kit cat and caboodle


who do you think landed here and started monarch?

it wasn't the Planet X pharaohs

it wasn't gabriel


it is fucking Z

it is nyx

i am bred by some angel or something


fuck if i know what that means

all i know

is that it breeds out QUICK over a couple generations

if am 25%

my kid is 12

then 6

and 3

and blah

so for a couple of generations the earth has a little titan blood or wahtever

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 11:10 p.m. No.12797267   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i like come into this body

not for earth so much

but for the universe

but what i report back teh universe

as a half monkey half angel


is to leave teh monkey alone

the monkey was happy before it got splcied up by those who wanted to help the monkey know

they monkey knew nothing and that was fine cause everything is nothing and nothing is everyhing


and then shit came along and made monkey half-know and half-dumb


sooooo whatever

dont fuck with monkey and DNA

Coughtbill gates^kenyA^cough$&$(^&$W%)( PWJESDGF a

fuckin idiots

Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 11:16 p.m. No.12797288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7305



i cant just eat what i want


she wanted me eating


tasty food today


i said okay


that is atlantis for



e is energy


google tast

it is catalon mountain food


a special white sausage

but they eat lamb too


so i was like

i dunno i think i am done with FUCKING PIGS AND BADGES down here on earth mom


so if i eat pig then pigs come in soul world right

the thing is

that is in the fucking bible

dont eat the pigs

cause it brings them down here into the vessel of the body

and people become pigs

and we dont want that

so you dont want your <pantheoneating whatever all teh time

i can eat what i want

but when times are critical i gotta be careful


cause she was trying to feed me <beefand<cheese> from SONIC


i said ohhhh

that is atlantean for

sonic wave food

fast food

fast loosh energy

so i told her i could get sonic from anywhere if i called it in and it workd out that way and we took her spaceship, the subaru, and got the gyros and it was great

it was a TASTe dish or a catalon dish


i dont even know what catalon is lol

but i had a great dinner

and my mother the atlantean thought it was great


i dont know hwat she is

she is just a <place holderfor the vehicle of the universe

out of <timeand <fate> was born <NYX>

and that is my mother

they are like base elements from the creation point

that can still manifest today

and do so every so often

people dont build big temples for people they call gods

they build them cause tehy know the gods will return not in teh form of man but in the soul that man inhabits



Anonymous ID: 79703d Feb. 1, 2021, 11:20 p.m. No.12797305   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i just have a different function

i have purpose

it just isnt normal maybe

like i feel i need to secure this transmission for future reception

like put it back in the envelope called the bible

cause it will get dark as teh age of aquarius fades into night

and there won't be much to read in that book when earth is out of alignment


but then it will line back up

and i will find myself here

i already know

i am recieving my own transmissions from the past

remembering where i am and knowing that i cannot fail in stabilzing the universe


some people think that is a big job

like you gotta stabilize the universe?

what if you fail?

i cant fail

it doesn't work that way


this thing keeps going

i will be back

not in this blood

not in this body

but as this soul

that is eternal

and always






happy birthday!