i hear you a bit
i have seen some stuff about like messenger dna stuff taking effect based on disease like HPV and aids and stuff.
i dont know exactly.
cause the lit was a bit above my head
i am just like… uhh,, important DNA is being carried or not carried based on infection
same thing with covid, it only impacts democrats. look at a heat map for COVID and compare it to a political map of the US lol
why are the democrats R1b and living over geothermal vents?
it just doesn't quite make sense to say
fungi or mold or yeasts
maybe you can help me draw the conclusion better.
i hear you on fungus cause the mushroom map also matches teh other % maps i see
and what about the mckenna stoned ape theory?
does the psilocibin act as a <amplifierfor reproduction on the genetic level?
i was reading a short article about MDMA and how it was causing octopus to be more <touchy feelyand opt to breed on it or some shit
so maybe the consumption of mushrooms helped replicated something particular…
was it good / bad / not either …
i saw volcanoes the other day
tehy have bacteria on the surface
and there are component bacteria
inside the magma like top / middle / bottom
and they all survive at different temps
but they do a super fast spreading of something.
thermophiles they are called
but i was wondering how the surface thermophile alerts the internal part of the volcano or bacterial superorganism as to. what is happening
but they can study these thermophiles on the surface and when the count gets too high/low it erupts
so… something on the surface.. like people swimming in the vents, or rain with bacteria, or animals or something.
it like triggers the rapid messaging of information through a thermophile system
i am wondering if it is just climate change
like they cant withstand the external temp
and as they die
the middle
then the magma vent and rock thermophile die off
which could cuase the chamber to lose it's structural integrity and blow
you see
i am crazy
i cant just sit around and say bible genesis bible revelation
i gotta prove that shit not for myself
but for everyone else
i believe in miracles and even believe in things like manifestation
but that stuff is <science>
not…. la la land magic shit
even magic is science soo..