>What is keeping comfy anons comfy?
Building secret bunkers to keep mound memes, bewbs, and Pepe collection safe during the apocalypse.
Been rubbing ben gay on your cahones?
Anon wants MyPillow undies.
anon would brag to every liberal in sight how comfy they cradle muh dick.
>I myself am having Friendly's Coffee Cookie Crumble with whipped cream
We’re going to need to see your tits ma’am.
It’s a procedural thing.
>yup, that would be 50% of us with tits
>you're a fucking genius
>get over it you'll NEVER see mine
>and they're fantastic
Then GTFO. If you’re too retarded to be here without “LOOK AT ME! I’M A GIRL!”, you aren’t anon, nor are you selfless enough to put your country over your ego.
Or, moar likely, you’re just a fat bitch who’s embarrassed at your lack of self control, just like most of the redditfags who have wandered in.