…Had a dough set up, while learning to bake/e-bake. Not a baker, ebaker nor note taker. Just trying to save the bread. Check it, in case of mistake.
…Had a dough set up, while learning to bake/e-bake. Not a baker, ebaker nor note taker. Just trying to save the bread. Check it, in case of mistake.
…Beautiful, Thank you, Baker.
…Kek, looks like it.
…Gotta pass, unfortunately. I need more practice (and confidence) before baking. Trying to avoid more split breads and all.
…. He likely knew and was about to reveal it.
…Now, for that random thought: [they] would use today (2/2) as a day of division. Too bad the spell is broken. Unity is the key(stone). Back to lurkin'.
…The research never ends.
…Because the USA is a republic, duh.
…Throwin' on a bread tune. Tad - Grease Box
…Still comfy, well, except for the OCD symbolism digs, while lurkin'.