>The only ones that say those things are the ones that have something to fear.
Lmaoso QAnon brings up raping kids out of hte blue and all of a sudden it's the ones not talking about raping kids that have stuff to fear/
You guys are sick!
>The only ones that say those things are the ones that have something to fear.
Lmaoso QAnon brings up raping kids out of hte blue and all of a sudden it's the ones not talking about raping kids that have stuff to fear/
You guys are sick!
>Perhaps other people that have been molested by people in power.
Is there anything else you think of other than raping children?
You have mental health issues related to constantly bringing up the raping of kids, you're sick in the head!
Normal people don't bring up raping kids, especially when it's clear everyone's trying to change the subject but you go back to raping kids because you're sick in the head and it's all you can think or talk about!
>ACKSHUALLY…. they were dismissed for "standing", not for lack of evidence.
You think after 62 or 63 times they'd get their shit together if they had anything.
Guess not!
>What country with a government worth a damn, will still be functioning in 2025?
Wow QAnon being completely overdramatic like a teenage girl! Quelle Surprise!
>I'm not sure why you think you control the conversation here, but you don't. Now go cry to coworker.
By all means keep talking about raping children, that's totally normal conversation. I'm so shocked everyone calls you crazy you sick weirdo.
>Being a kid raper is better than being a shill faggot kike nigger.
Wow, you're totally not unhinged.
At least I can rest easy knowing that
Joe Biden Is Your President!
Behind every blade of grass
Ok keep crying about insane lies you made up in your child raper minds while I celebrate and pray for
President Joe Biden