why has feelsbadman.jpg become so overused.
feelsgoodman.png is the meme
They killed McKinley Roosevelt (red field) > Wilson > Fed > WW1
Mandala Y
colorless soulless undiverse looking freak
>Cannot get image to expand
There's been an issue with the image server for like 2 weeks. Is it when the images are big? Has anyone nailed down what the problem is? Used to be tor was a workaround
>$GME confirmed the $78 thus created a bottom. STRONG in respect to volatility.
This is not a chartist stock. Chartism works on the principles of normal stocks, large volume, these kinds of things. They told you yesterday with the -100.00 how much control they have.
Your reading comprehension is poor brah. Try reading it again. Identify the subject.
>Looks like the tower of Babel.
Everything looks like the tower of babel to a whacko though.
EU already got that shit nailed.